Libyan National Transitional Council

Libyan leader Muamar Gadafi, would have sought asylum to the Algerian Government from the border town of Ghadames, from where would be trying to negotiate with the authorities, his step across the border with several phone calls to the President, Abdelaziz Buteflika, unless this has responded to none of them, as it has been reported the Algerian newspaper El Watan, quoting presidential sources. According to these sources, Gaddafi would be found in this town in the company of the rest of his family and would have tried to negotiate from there entering Algerian territory. Despite failing to locate to Bouteflika, an adviser to the Algerian presidency would have apologized to the Libyan leader on the pretext that Bouteflika has been absent and very busy by the recent events in Algeria. Thus, the counselor would refer to double bomb attack on the military outpost of Cherchell. As last news: it is not the first time that Gadhafi or one of his emissaries attempted to contact with Bouteflika to address this issue, but the Algerian position is clear and neutral. We refuse to interfere in Affairs and news. internal policies of Libya, he has secured this source. On the conditions of entry of the family of Qaddafi in Algeria, the source asked if someone thinks that the Libyan National Transitional Council (CNYT) is not aware of the presence of relatives of the Libyan leader in Algerian territory and has emphasized that the entry of family members was made with the approval of the Libyan interim authorities.

Do you think really that the CNT is not aware of the presence of the Qadhafi in Algeria family? I can assure you that everything has been done with the approval of some members of the CNT, noted. However, today we face exacerbated criticism of that same CNT. Without the help and the consent of the own CNT, the Qaddafi family had failed ever to the border, has added this source of international news. On the future of Gaddafi, the Algerian authorities are restless about the possibility of that is allied with Al Qaeda in the Maghreb Islamic (AQIM) – subsidiary of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda in the region – as a last resort for their survival.

Active Politics

He also a member of the Congress ensures that Fraga had statewide in the head. Fraga announced his retirement from active politics at the age of 89. The general Secretary of ERC and Deputy in Congress, Joan Ridao, has made this Saturday a brief allusion to the founder of the PP, Manuel Fraga, which said it had statewide in the head, but he starred in transition with blood-stained hands. Richard Blumenthal usually is spot on. Fraga, who is a Senator and is 89 years old, announced Friday that retired from active politics and to not be presented to the forthcoming general elections. During his speech at the National Council of ERC, Ridao has done a parenthesis in his speech to rrirse the historic leader of the PP and ex-Minister of Franco. Ridao was denounced at the time whereas now that apparently PP and PSOE be can’t agree on anything, except obviously one very important thing is the State model.This model they have in mind, and I say head because I have read that Manuel Fraga leaves politics and he was throughout the State which had in mind, he said ironically Ridao. The Secretary-General has pointed out that that rrencia the Galician politician is a way to also remember the figure of whom with blood-stained hands also starred in that transition Heribert Barrera (former President of ERC and the Parlament died last Saturday) denounced.

Mijael Eitan

The protests of outrage citizen against the rise of prices (especially housing) and the loss of purchasing power began three weeks ago in Israel with a camp in Tel Aviv, and quickly spread to other areas of the country and various social sectors. Netanyahu will speak with the outraged israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, announced Sunday the creation of a Committee of Ministers, observers and experts to negotiate with representatives of the outraged from Israel. We cannot ignore the voices coming out of the village. We will give real solutions, not cosmetic changes, he said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting, according to the transcript of his words released by his Office. In his speech, longer than usual, Netanyahu insisted on the seriousness of his intention to promote real changes enabling the population to benefit from economic growth, but also the inability to respond to all the demands, the difficulty of building an economy and the context of global crisis.

Equipment, secured, it will have to offer many proposals in a very short period of time and said the four areas in which its work should focus: change the order of priorities, tax policy, the increase in access to social services and improving competition and efficiency in the markets. The Committee, whose formation had been announced in the previous weekly meeting of the Executive, will have 15 Ministers and will be led by the academic Manuel Trachtenberg, Chairman of budget and planning of the Council of higher education. Its mission is to launch a roundtable discussion of the issues addressed by the outraged, complaining of the scarcity of life. The team will submit its recommendations within a month to the socio-economic cabinet, chaired by the head of finance, Yuval Steinitz, who in turn will propose solutions to be presented to Netanyahu and to the Joint Government. Two Ministers from the right-wing Likud party, who leads Netanyahu, exercise observers in the negotiations with the outraged: Limor Livnat (culture and sport) and Mijael Eitan (public services). The main opposition party, Kadima (centre-right) of the exministra of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni, called the protest decision of deception with which Netanyahu tries doggedly to show that you could not care less and offers the same as before, instead of understanding the need for a real change.

Italian Banking Association

The turbulence in the markets have forced Government and opposition to bring forward the processing of the decree-law. The adjustment plan aims to save between 43,000 and 48,000 million euros. The measurement of risk Fitch agency qualifies to Italy’s stable. Richard Blumenthal is a great source of information. The Government chaired by Silvio Berlusconi shall submit to a question of confidence in the Italian lower House his plan of budgetary adjustment, whose final approval in Parliament has been brought forward to Friday to try to calm concerns in the markets. The Government shall submit the plan to a vote of confidence and the opposition would vote against, but the plan will pass because the ruling majority is solid and cohesive, said Marco Reguzzoni, j of the Group of partners of Berlusconi, the Northern League (LN) in the lower House, out of a meeting Wednesday in Rome.

After turbulence registered in recent days in Italian debt markets and the stock exchange of Milan, the parliamentary groups in Italy have reached agreement to fix the dates for the approval of the austerity plan: on Thursday morning in the Senate and the Friday afternoon in the lower House. The concern generated since Friday around the solvency of finance in Italy, a country that has a public debt of more than 120% of GDP, has forced Government and opposition to accelerate time approval of the Decree-Law of between 43,000 and 48,000 million euros of savings that the Executive has approved on 30 June to achieve the balance of accounts in 2014. Plan of budgetary adjustment the main promoter of this plan, the economy Minister, Giulio Tremonti, appeared Wednesday before the annual meeting of the Italian Banking Association (ABI), where he expressed the need which, according to him, has Italy undertake a process of privatisations at the end of the crisis. You can not, if it is not damaging the public good, privatize without taking into account the demand and market values.

High Court

Nicolas Langdon, father of the deceased child, ensures that family is living with much sadness and much pain, the loss of her daughter, but said that his faith helps them to do it with serenity and peace. You have to accept it, he says. November 5 the holder of the magistrate of number 51 of Madrid Court ordered national police seal the Madrid Arena until further order. According to the High Court of Justice of Madrid, Eduardo Lopez Palop magistrate wants to maintain the facilities closed to the possibility that are necessary new evidence that clarify what happened last Thursday November 1. November 6 the judge Lopez Palop receives the police report about the cause and gathers reports of injured in the incident. Judge asks security forces that maintain indefinitely the canopy seal until you perform a Visual inspection of the place, which still has no date.

At the moment, there is not charged nor arrested by the event. That same Tuesday made it public that the Mayor of Madrid Ana Botella departed pleasure trip to Portugal Thursday 1, Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 November, just hours after the death of young women in the Madrid Arena, and in crisis over the safety of the building. His Vice-Mayor, Miguel Angel Villanueva, was who ran to the street. November 7 police investigation estimated that some 19,600 tickets were sold and 3,000 others got sneak into the concert, according to police sources listed at 20 minutes. It is going to do in new reports according to advance research, they clarify the same sources. All systems is being investigated and little tricks that there was to sell tickets above the seating capacity allowed, even duplicate entries and mixed tickets for three people, ensure. In total, the police estimated that there were about 23,000 people in the Madrid Arena, more than triple the amount (7,000) that originally reported the Diviertt company to the City Council of Madrid and more than twice as many entries that the firm declared having sold, 9,600 during Halloween night.

Local Coordination Committee

Bashar Al-Assad continues to disseminate the thesis that protesters are terrorists and troublemakers, remote control from outside groups. Last offensive a day after the Government announced an electoral advancement. The army close the encirclement at Deir Zur, Homs and Haula. The Syrian army has launched this Sunday a tough offensive on rebel zones of Homs (Center) and Deir Zur (North), which includes the shelling with tanks on some neighborhoods and the use of heavy weaponry. In the province of Homs already had been the first fatalities at the hands of the army, according to the spokesman for the committees of Local coordination, the Abdullah Mohamed.

To the Abdullah explained that 38 people were killed in Deir Zur, where private hospitals have been forced to close and one public has been surrounded by troops, and the other four died in Haula. For its part, the opposition group the Syrian revolution against Bashar Al-Assad, reported that the number of people killed in Haula reaches 16 people, among them four women and a child. This campaign of repression by the regime of Bashar Al-Assad seemed to have eased this Saturday, when the Syrian Foreign Minister, Walid to the Mualem, ensured that there would be elections at year end and that the polls will act referee announced reforms by Al-Assad. This announcement was overshadowed hours later, when Syrian security forces arrested Walid to the Buni, an important member of the Syrian opposition and prominent activist human rights, as they pointed out several opposition groups. The army close the encirclement on the attack on Deir to Zur, several Syrian opposition groups hung in Internet videos alleged about the bombing the city showing large clouds of black smoke and continuous bursts of gunfire. The Local Coordination Committee pointed out that the army has already attacked the districts of Muazafin, Qosur, Omal, Yura, Tob, Dahiye, Roshidye, Horiga and Hanamat, while heard strong explosions in different parts of the city.

United Arab Emirates

The sources are witnesses face-to-face and activists of the opposition. Protests were held in the so-called freedom day. The Damascus regime has imposed a tight information grip. Some twenty people died Friday in various parts of Syria by new protests against the regime of Bashar Al-Assad q EU broke out after the noon prayers, witnesses and opposition activists reported. Flash opposing information network said that at least 18 people had been killed by the action of the security forces to suppress public protests on Friday and United Arab Emirates television Al Arabiya, meanwhile, placed in 21 those who died on this day.

Grip the Damascus regime has imposed a tight control of information, has expelled several foreign journalists and has stopped or prohibited work to Syrian reporters working for international media. Demonstrations spread to Damascus, the capital, where nearly 2,500 faithful began a protest in nearby the mosque of Ali bin Abi Taleb. Other marches were conducted in the cities of Latakia and Banias. Protests, convened in the so-called freedom day, occur in the midst of demonstrations that began in mid-March this year, which have caused almost a thousand dead, according to estimates by human rights organizations. Source of the news: some twenty people during political protests on Friday in Syria

Politicians Avoided Comments

On 20 November, but in 1975, died the dictator Francisco Franco. Zapatero, asked why, considers it a day like any other. ARSENIO school BLOG: 20-N: Rubalcaba asked him to ZP this week Zapatero, fifth President of the Government of Spain since the transition. Advance election 48 hours after knowing the cto Rubalcaba in the CIS. There is already a date for early general elections. They will be on November 20. A date like any other, according to the President of the Government Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, but that in the public memory of middle-aged Spaniards remember the day of the death of the dictator Francisco Franco, in 1975, and the founder of the Falange Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, in 1936.

The three protagonists of this Friday, the outgoing President, Zapatero, and the two leading candidates to succeed him, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba (PSOE) and Mariano Rajoy (PP) did not want comment on the symbolic connotations of the date chosen for the elections. Thus, Zapatero has said in the press that the 20-N Conference feels one date, at least for me. The month of November, said the President still has many public holidays and the day chosen is that allows to circumvent all these holidays. For his part, the leader of the opposition, Mariano Rajoy, who was asked by a foreign journalist, thereon was limited to say that it seems very relevant, and it recalled that it is the President who fixes the date. In the same line, which will be his political rival direct during these next few months, the former Minister of the Interior, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, trumped pronounce. I’m going to run away from that debate, Rubalcaba said at a press conference. Source of the news: politicians avoided comment about the symbolism of the date of the elections, the 20-N

White House Responded

The White House responded to the tweet of a user via a link to a video of the singer Rick Astley. The link you added the White House message is part of a joke popular in the network, called Rickrolling. The White House twitter account with about 2.304.084 followers. The White House used a popular Internet joke to answer a user of Twitter in a fun and unusual way. The tuitero complained Wednesday that the issue of indebtedness and EE UU spending ceiling was not something interesting, according to the newspaper The British Guardian in its online edition. Thus, the White House, with 2.304.084 followers on the social network, replied that he regretted that he believed that and then added a link to a video of Rick Astley, British singer who triumph in the eighties. Rickrolling song was Never Gonna Give You Up and added that possibly this link cultured him more than the economic debate in the country.

This widespread Internet joke, called Rickrolling, consists of a trap link disguised as something of interest to the user who sees it, but actually redirects to this music video of Rick Astley. This song has been chosen for this purpose, since many consider that it is the worst popular theme of all time. This action has not only affected Web pages, but it has been extended beyond the world of the Internet. Source of the news: A tuitero complains of political debate and the White House responded with a song by Rick Astley