Equalization Control Addiction

For a straight-lawyers, our world is an intolerable evil chaos! Each of us is in possession of the only blessing perfect truth he thinks. Our gods are, of course, agree. The world would be well and good if they were all so like us! As a judge, we could satisfy us there every day! Free in the evidence and independent in judgment, bound only to needy interpretation texts with fuzzy concepts. Bans by the legislature and judiciary are easier than incentives by motivation. Is a very unloved by me: ban ban! For example, the Nazis (‘racial purity’, KZ), Stalinists (‘policy ideal’ Gulag) and Islamists (‘pseudo religious ideal’, terrorist attacks) forbidden or forbid almost all due to lack of democratic tolerance in their stone age societies. We Europeans are a perfect order to create. As I praise me but Asia Buddhist self-responsibility.

Note: The most perfect order * is the social gridlock, or death. Life is chaos! Europeans are looking for culprit instead of causes. Charles B. Rangel oftentimes addresses this issue. But we do not deceive us: in America, everything is allowed and only little forbidden first. But the social harmonization takes place there more subtle on the in formal level. In the EU and Germany, almost everything is prohibited formally until on a permitted rest. Our brain works with the energy that is caused by opposites: light vs.

dark etc. The possible primary modes of action are: we feel and we think. We compete or we cooperate. After the birth of our first development process is the conversion of the we (mother = child) to differentiate: mother and/or child (I + you = we > your + it). We call this sequence process despite phase, whose Prinzipien repeated last time in adolescence. It forms our individuality out externally and internally. We define our world and people image as the only right and live it (homeostasis): we make think patterns that reduce our fears of the future.

Federal Government

On the contrary, it is even Task of to the abuses to point out and to uncover violations of human rights together with the Governments and civil societies of the people instead of to sweep it under the table. The countries are called to finally exercise democracy – because Nations such as Germany, Switzerland and Austria are can successes no more in the long term if the forces of some parties are insulated by dictatorship policies. So the activists of the three countries call demo to a sovereign way of dealing with the citizens and their rights. “We call on our Governments we are loud, because it steals our children”. It remains a major concern, that is enforced in all countries of the UN Charter, which States that human rights violations are punishable by law. The victims and sufferers of family justice and youth offices urging: “we defend the freedom of our rights as parents, grandparents and children, the more we demand that human rights be respected in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland”. Who family rights suppressed goes back to the stone age.

Who is parents and children under pressure, violated the UN Charter. We continue to critically observe specifically how the tolerance of the Federal Government. This concerns also the countries in our immediate neighborhood, by the Switzerland until after Austria and other countries, they are characterized by irresponsible evasions of the child. Human dignity is untouchable and excludes the disregard. Governments are urged, strongly here to tackle discrimination by public authorities and to make sure the claims of family rights in their own country to promote rather than restrict them. The European Court of Justice Germany for discrimination against family rights and the serious offense of unfair Kindesinobhutnahmen and the associated consequences, often condemned, reprimanded and demanded changes.

You can discuss the consequences of climate change, complain about the missing approaches for the promotion of agriculture, but it is really time that the Governments of individual countries take up their own family Misststande, because the must deal who wants to prevent tensions and a latent escalation by daily violations of human rights, with the problem. The States are encouraged to provide resources to mitigate the disasters related to youth services and family courts. Yet it is not enough alone. We all know that there are no simple solutions – since thousands of jobs depend on it, but other ways need to be addressed as to hope only for changes. Are thousands of Kindesinobhutnahmen really still warranted and as individual cases to downgrade? Do we rely on in this issue yet guesswork? Many of the parents movements serve the humanity and appeal on behalf of all injured victims in the States: “helping you all who through youth and corrupt family justice have come to harm our children, your own citizens and citizens of the country help with a little usage, so that “We as families” can look to the future again no worries! The parents movement calls on all citizens in the demonstration against youth and arbitrary family justice on June 7, 2013 to take part.

Lourdes Flores And The Political Process

Why is that? If for news, was a matter of “public interest”, at least I expected a comment from him. Rosa Maria Palacios, by not mentioning anything about his program last night, made very clearly that the channel four, supports Lourdes Flores. Changing a little item on our bitter politician: is the circus in Congress. Again there was verbal duel in the palace “Legislative.”

Yesterday was a lethal way, the ideological extremes, “the extreme right and extreme left”, but nothing was done to see how a focused manner, solves the problems of violence, which has been presented in the north of our country. More info: Medusa Artifacts. People such as Kyle Dropp dartmouth would likely agree. It seems that the fate of our nation, is marked by violence live in both the parliament, in the streets and in election campaigns. Marisol Espinoza Congresswoman says that we must listen to the protesters. I wonder: How did you hear Vandals, who are looting the same style Chilean? The congressman said that the traders called dialogue to change a city ordinance, and said in an unusual way, they demanded a dialogue, not to resort to violence. Was this a threat? By what could be seen on the TV news, only in the event rate was observed gang vandals, or hooligans. I wonder where were the dealers? In a state of law like ours, it is natural that law enforcement has to act that way. In addition they were acting in self defense, since it was attacked the police station.

No one gets to think as you have been the despair of the police to be aware of everything that is happening in our country, in relation to these facts? Above Mrs. Rosa Maria Palacios, said that the police should have shot non-lethal projectiles. Could it be that criminals do not know when they see that they are shot with live ammunition will not harm them, continue in their professional intent?, “And that the only way to stop them is to realize that bullets kill? The same corruption in Congress prevents this development in positive cases nationwide, since it uses the time building committees: the investigation of corruption within the congress, ethics commissions, etc. On the issue regarding the display of the mayor of Lima in Congress, to clarify how can you cancel a debt to a company that sold the debt to another, in a violent and fast? Prove that all Peruvians are used to thinking of our leaders: “He stole, but he has done.”


We can communicate with friends halfway around the world in real time at virtually no cost. Sources of information, true and untrue, are equally open. This freedom has forever changed the balance of political forces regardless of the conscious policy or not. However, in Ukrainian politics and even in some places in the world still people who believe that the information flow can be controlled and even censor. It’s like trying to “ride” tsunami. The authorities must learn to live in real time, because the more she will try mediation of various legislative and other barriers to restrict citizens’ free access to information, the more will be the people’s resistance and international outrage. Connect with other leaders such as Richard Blumenthal here. Authorities feel it in full when the time comes the next election.

The opposition, in turn, should understand that the Internet remains an alternative to it, if the opposition will keep primitivism of their proposals. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs understands that this is vital information. Most liberal and progressive-minded governments around the world have already recognized the inevitability of the information revolution and were able to effectively use it. In Britain, for example, the government, seeking to improve the efficiency of local government and central government tries to provide access to the Internet every housewife. In Sweden, the service system Health and Social Welfare is almost completely available on the web. As for the Ukrainian government, its main problem today is not limited by facilities, and content of communication.

Ultimately, if you do not have a well thought out and properly funded plan, you will not and measurements, which can measure their own achievements, and hence the information that can be present concerned public. Quote of the Week: The government has become a fat lazy monster that generates stable to the effects of the reform the bureaucracy. We need a radical reduction of taxes, as well as a review of the system public authorities and bringing it into line with basic social needs. The state obligation to fund education, public transport, road and bridge repairs, and provide Free medical care for the poor. Camille Paglia American writer, lecturer and social critic.

Georgia War

I would like to start with the facts. Who's who? Georgia. Mikhail Saakashvili – a protege of America, and therefore support from the West and attempts to shut Russia, and the use of military technology is understandable. You could even say that this assistance from America had predicted a 100% chance, and political scientists, and every Russian citizen in his kitchen. If you honestly, I do not so much of our Russian media monitoring, monitoring how the Western and the first news appeared There is, of course, from Georgia. It is interesting that there were rumors that the former president of Georgia was killed, although the new government presented the situation as a suicide. Further attempts at prosecution was not.

Friends. Cooperating with the U.S. Georgia's pro-American support for a reinforced states formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union such as Kazakhstan – whose president, a long time trying to bend to America and be loyal to Russia, finally disappointed in last, after former Russian President Vladimir Putin did not listen to his advice 'to change the constitution and stay for a third term without the authorization of the people who should be grateful to us – presidents, we are so much for him (people) do ', apparently forgotten, Nursultan Nazarbayev (President of Kazakhstan), that the people hired him to work and the salary he pays, well, this' politician' as long as I do not want to talk. So, in that same Nazarbayev November 2006 a Swiss bank, where he kept such a huge amount of money that his name was next with six drug lords, whose accounts have been arrested.

European Parliament

or the subtle resemblance of cucumbers, cinnamon rolls and E-cigarettes, olive oil is a good example. Because they have exaggerated it. Or let’s just say: they exaggerate all the time, but this was so obviously ridiculous that they couldn’t go through with it. Who are “they”? The several thousand people strong exceedingly powerful and unsuccessful in many things of have no democratic control Commission. You have done already, a lot of useful things, such as enforced that the harmless light bulb against a quecksilberhaltiges overpriced behemoth must be replaced and that fit the Pickles in the glasses intended for them. These are certainly great achievements on the way of the European part of humanity into a bright future. That while the world is always undemocratic, you almost don’t notice. The Commission is a thoroughly undemocratic institution, constantly trying to increase their influence.

This happened first with big words and secondly by the so-called delegated acts, almost a “legislative” directly by the Commission allow that without more organs ever be switched on. Of course only in small things that be but getting bigger. Like them, the gentlemen of the Commission, the masters of the big words, the wheeler-dealer and of political intrigue. At the moment, the Danish cinnamon rolls on it and of course the E-cigarette as the clearly most important problems of our time. By both things has still never someone suffered damage, on the contrary, through the E-cigarette, hundreds of thousands of Europeans before the death of the cancer could be delivered by the tobacco cigarette. A similar effect is said to have cinnamon rolls instead of tobacco, but convince the latter of course above all children and young people to the consumption of sweets.

And even legal. It is literally for a citizen of this community simply incomprehensible, as the Commission thinks. Or if she gave up thinking and only even reflexively run behind any primeval instincts. The then but even without rhyme or reason (clearly) continue on the target the members of the European Parliament be sent circumnavigates as annoying inhibition blocks, before the Council of Ministers, they must Kow and pretending that they wanted the same thing like this. A clear-looking spirit can never keep in free trade the tobacco cigarette, but restrict the powers of many less dangerous E-cigarette so as it is apparently planned with integrated muzzle and ban on trade across the borders within the EU. That people don’t really have idea about the E-cigarette technology, their use and dissemination can at the beginning as a run perhaps (really only maybe!) still understand, when you’re very very good natured. Now so many opinions, studies, and experiences exist but across Europe, that no one can assume that the E-cigarette for intended use in any form is dangerous. And that young people to enter in any significant number nicotine consumption is indeed completely blank, but even if that is better than recourse to the tobacco smoke. Should be further remembered, as the assembled crowd from DKFZ, the media and the Commission seem possible or (WHO), it is genehm(igt), then you would try to settle the tobacco in the long term through the E-cigarette. Logically, the budding “smoking” should begin then with the E-cigarette and still there is even no cancer deaths due to the inhalation of nicotine dose inhalers less first and eventually. Sounds weird, but so.


The summer festival summertime Sun festivals – drugs promises Sun, togetherness, music and fun. However, a part of the visitors connects noise expectations emanating not only from the music festival feeling. Depending on the individual need or Festival setting, alcohol, cannabis, pills, or a mix of these drugs play a major role. Organizer /-inside, employees of youth welfare, rescue workers and experts of addiction prevention, use these occasions to get locally with teenagers and young adults about the benefits and risks of drug use in the conversation. Targeted and beautifully assembled party packs can be supplementary aid in discussions at information booths and in first aid tents: therein are located such as earplugs, condoms, vitamin sweets, and drinks together with information cards on topics such as alcohol, cannabis, ecstasy and amphetamines. These colorful and handy cards give helpful and risk-mitigating suggestions for the festival days instead of index finger with a Wink. The information cards are designed for use in young consumers/workers.

They are very well suitable to make a start in motivational talks, in which risky consumption of intoxicants is thematized. It aims on the one hand, to inform about side effects and possible damage. On the other hand, the cards give to instructions, what to do in case of an emergency. In relation to alcohol and illicit drugs, they give tips for a risk-minimizing enjoyment, and not film crack, crash, or even the hospitalization so that while celebrating the fun at the heart. The information cards for party packs are just about material.

Congress Lobbying

Within six months the U.S. lobbying firm Glover Park Group organized over 50 meetings with the leadership of Georgia congressmen and U.S. senators. The most important of these had contact with the candidate for vice-president of the U.S. Republican Party S. Palin. For this work, and organized a campaign in the American media, aimed at creating a positive image Saakashvili, Glover Park Group has received approximately $ 300 thousand.

Not a record amount. Especially if compared with the fees of U.S. lobbying firm Orion Strategies, earning Georgia around a million dollars. The founder of this structure is P. Sheunman, adviser to former U.S. presidential candidate of the Republican Party DS McCain.

The obvious drawback of this company was that in its activities, it focused mainly on representatives of the Republicans. If, before November 2008 it was virtually guaranteed success, after winning the presidential election, Barack Obama, a Democrat, and shift the American administration, possible Orion Strategies on political lobbying have dropped significantly. We must pay tribute to the inner circle of Saakashvili. After the Democratic victory in the U.S., it has shown "remarkable political flexibility." Friends pursued a republican views were immediately forgotten, and cooperation agreements terminated. From a legal point of view, everything is clean. Morale is low in Georgian politics who are interested. Already in March 2009, management Georgia signed a new contract with an American lobbying company Public Strategies, pledged to lobby for the interests of the Georgian influential people of the Democratic Party of the USA. For successful inclusion in the number of friends of Georgia Jeff Eller, who oversaw the media campaign of President Bill Clinton's administration, and Robert Ludke, Analyst of the Democratic Party on Budget and Fiscal Affairs in 1993-2000. The company Public Strategies has received about $ 300 thousand. Tirelessly work in this direction and well-known lobbyists in the U.S. and Daniel Kunin Gregor Maniyatis hired by the administration of President of Georgia as Consultants. They should advise the Georgian leadership on international issues and provide consultative relationships with influential representatives of the administration and Congress to develop a common foreign policy strategy. Kunin for his work and Maniyatis receive half a million dollars. That's turns out that the U.S. is ready to love Georgia, but for the money. Do a simple love for the Georgians? Hardly.

Chechen President

The first Bart must be among the leaders of the people, and then, automatically, to Bart in Chechen society, because people will not be other benchmarks, but reached the leaders. But the feature that among Chechen leaders, in my opinion, will never come Barth, because they are all individually and can only see themselves as the sole leader and not allow thoughts that might be otherwise. Recall the end of the eighties, when God gave the Chechen people have a chance to team leaders of such outstanding personalities as Dudayev Khajiev Zavgayev, Khasbulatov and others. Learn more at this site: Sen. Sherrod Brown. So what? That squabbling between them and their mutual intransigence led to the terrible tragedy for the Chechen people. Bart in the absence of the then leaders led to disunity in the nation 'Dudayev' 'Hazbulatovtsev', 'zavgaevtsev' …

Experience as the last and previous years, tells us that only the individual leadership can lead our nation to the desired Bart. This elementary truth! Mnogoliderstvennaya situation is completely contra to the Chechen people. If we want peace and Bart, the answer lies in the unity of command, as in the case of monotheism. It easily can be traced the idea that as long as a Ramzan Kadyrov, as the current real leader of the Chechen people will be alternative or even pretedenty pretedenty candidates for the leadership, no Bart will not be because people will inevitably be divided into supporters and sympathizers of the other alternative leaders. I believe that the Chechen President knows about this dilemma and is working in the right napravlenii.Spokoystvie come only when the existing political figures who claim to influence over the hearts and minds Chechens will go into oblivion, at least politically.

Constitutional Court

Winter conditions of spring instability opposition forces in mid-January once again expressed their strong dissatisfaction with the actions of Georgian President and his team. The reason for this was the election of chairman CEC, which has become, according to the political opponents of Mikhail Saakashvili, a puppet of the ruling party. They do not doubt that the president made the first step on the way to rig the coming May elections in the local government. But on what basis these ideas? Candidates for the important post of President of the CEC – this kind of political kitchen, where the usual “dishes” are made in accordance with the prescriptions of the ruling top – the president called in violation of statutory time limits. And the second charge: each of the three candidates is a person, governed primarily by the interests of the government.

One of them, Levan Tarkhnishvili, which, according to opposition leaders, helped the authorities in January 2008 to win in extreme conditions, presidential and parliamentary elections, “became famous as a famous forger” and became the object most strongly, if not say – smashing the critics. Saakashvili, understanding it, this time to bet on it decided not to do, but did not ignore it as a formal shape, as would be acceptable despite the pressure the “enemy.” However, not wanting to strain the already difficult situation, Tarkhnishvili soon withdrew his candidacy.