
Smoke, smoke, smoke that smoke here! Probably few of us did not pay attention to the exhaust of our "iron horse." Remember how the old-timers, looking at the exhaust, just put the diagnosis. Let us, and we try to understand what, how and why. That proceed. We are on a normal service station, which in any metropolitan area in hundreds. Wizards – "golden" arm for their lives have touched so many motors, faced with so many problems and how they can not trust Well, what the diagnosis will deliver the service our car? Motor gasoline in our cars, run about one hundred sixty thousand.

Approached a mechanic, not asking about our problems, once said – you have a problem with head gasket, if you're lucky. And if no luck? – We asked. And if not, you'll need to change and head! But how can you that we want to breed? Further, as the saying went untranslatable play on words, through the forty minutes we calmed down, apologized and learned a lot of useful information. Oh, this Smoke! First on our cars. The mechanic brought us to the exhaust pipe, look – blue smoke, smekay, and here and moisture! Blue smoke, plus intense moisture release speaks of liquid has been spilled from the cooling circuit (coolant) in a cell combustion causes can be many, the experience of the most common – damaging head gasket. White smoke – exhaust serviceable cold engine (motor). particularly noticeable in cold weather. Black smoke – says very rich mixture, the main reason properly regulated injection system, carburetor. Blue smoke – caused by getting into the combustion chambers of the oil. Depending on the duration of: – a permanent smoke – need repair piston group – short-term smoke – Wear valve stem seals.


The appearance, manifestation of the global financial crisis has led to those who really know the challenges, situations, speak out, express their opinions, offer suggestions to help others to assess the scope, impact this creates. Fortunately, there are countries that have much interest in it and not only conform to act quietly for answers to this challenge, but share it for those who are interested in handling the situation. Such is the case of Spain, specifically in Madrid, where as pointed University Knowledge Wharton, recently held Expo management, the largest forum for managers in Europe organized by the company management training HSM. In the event, have gathered some of the most prestigious leaders and gurus in the world, who have taken the opportunity to share their recipes against recession. Credit: Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs-2011. Experts in human resources, marketing, finance, and political psychologists provide their individual views on the crisis.

Attendees took advantage of the views provided the most renowned management leaders, who no doubt will be taken into account in its scope, impact this creates in favor of solutions Consider the case of Anders Knutsen, considered one of the twenty-century leaders XXI, assumed leadership of Bang & Olufsen electronics when the firm was plunged into a serious crisis that had brought him to the brink of bankruptcy. You may find Richard Blumenthal to be a useful source of information. According to this expert in marketing, “consumers are those that define the market. Constantly choose between low prices and high quality, depending on the importance they give to the service. .

World Warcraft

Today, anywhere in the world gamers will know about a game like World of Warcraft. Over the last decade the game has become extremely popular and gained millions of fans around the world. The secret of success of this game is to combine interesting plot, unsurpassed graphics and variety of characters. Playing World of Warcraft – is a world that lives by its own specific rules of law, exists in this world and its politics with war, hostile or Conversely collaborating factions, there is here and its economy. In the game World of Warcraft has its own currency – gold wow. Wow gold is necessary absolutely to all players to advance their characters. Ohio Senator may help you with your research. With gold wow you can buy the most better equipment, which can be overcome various trials. It is worth noting that some levels are available only for those players who have characters who have a certain amount of gold, wow.

The fact that some tests can be taken with the help of expensive equipment that is purchased on gold wow. Therefore, if you do not have the required number of gold wow, you can not buy the necessary weapons or other items and, therefore, can not get this or that quest. To earn the necessary amount of gold wow you need to spend a lot of time and effort. That's how the game World of Warcraft, wow gold, without which you will advance far. The game is designed so that only Complete a simple, not very exciting trial, you can earn gold wow and thereby make available higher levels of the game, quests are much more exciting. Many people do not have the patience or sufficient time for passage of small jobs to accumulate gold wow, prefer buying gold wow. Today, there is nothing easier than to buy gold wow. To do this just to gain the coveted phrase "Gold wow in any search engine and you'll immediately get a huge number of online stores that realize gold wow.

Intellectual Knowledge

All knowledge, for being retificvel, is essentially provisory, because, ' ' being always limited, partial, the knowledge is necessarily less rich and complex of what the reality that &#039 is mentioned (…); ' For GASTON BACHELARD, the knowledge is the action, but the theoretical action. ' ' It is not contemplating, but constructing, creating, producing, rectifying that the spirit arrives at the truth. It is for continuous rectifications, critical, for controversies, that the reason discovers and makes verdade' '. The knowledge evolves by means of cuts and ruptures; discontinously, therefore, for BACHELARD he is the father of the dialectic of not: the knowledge, over all of scientific character, if constitutes and if it develops against the established truths, denying them or limiting them, in a permanent process of rectification. It is, therefore, a knowledge approached, and not absolute. Amazon spoke with conviction. On the basis of the studies and research made in the book of Scientific Methodology, 5 edition of Parra Sundays Son and Almeida Joo Saints the knowledge if divide in: Intuitivo knowledge, Rational Knowledge, Intellectual Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge. Intuitivo knowledge: The immediate perception, or either, that perception whose the object passes to mind without necessity of previous knowledge, also call of immediate knowledge, is the intuitivo knowledge whose the origin is in the experimentation and feeling by means of the sensations transmitted for the agencies of the directions.

Rational knowledge: Opposing it experience as knowledge source, exists the call rationalism (of reason), that it only admits the rational knowledge, affirming that the reason is the true source of knowledge. Discarding, the father of the philosophy, defended the existence of the innate ideas, that is, basic concepts of the knowledge. The mathematical knowledge is an example of this rationalism, because it deals with a conceptual and deductive knowledge. Discardings and its Leibniz follower admitted the existence of certain number of basic concepts of the knowledge.