The Peoples

The new concept of citizenship would have is above of any natural law. It is alicerado in the chain of the solidarity of the State stops with the citizen, as well as in autopoitica relation of love between compatriots or any another world-wide individual, as if brother was. Citizenship is not only relation of ' ' rights and deveres' '. It is, over all, a relation of love, of solidarity, of respect and, essentially, familiar, that the peoples must search and proclaim. The natural laws of the reasonable one and the logic – as one day it was thought by Discardings – are ideas of a logicismo paved in the rationality and a reason well sharpened human being. Theories of ' ' I cogitate, I raise sum' ' (I think soon I exist) or ' ' Dubito, I raise I cogitate, I raise sum' ' (I doubt, I think, then I exist) they had been sources of inspiration for the creation of a new reality: A REALITY HUMAN BEING, inspired in the reason, common-sense and the rationality of the species, animal rank that ' ' pensantes' ' they must attend a course another position in the society: the position of ' ' civilizados' ' , solidary, loving of its nature. Meantime, ahead of as much atrocity, of as much irrationality and as much cruelty we will not be able to think another thing not to be that the reason and the rationality – of some – had become fluids that if run away from its minds, changedding themselves into nothing more than myths spread for groups of ' ' insanos' ' with intentions to change the world with ideals of love. That the sword of Dmocles is launched on the ethical shames, lacks and the moral corrupes; that this people has God not as a reason of religious disagreements, but as only source of love; that the demagogues are judged with ' ' penalty of morte' ' , and that the peoples – even so suffered and sedentos of love – can use of the true solidarity that still remains. The desire to think still is ours!

State Company

Snake much tax and the industrial if sees forced to practical the spurious ones to compensate the robbery in the box with the State being been unproductive partner of the enterprise. The second guilt fits to the proper way to manage natural of the majority of the national companies always directed to one or another illegal or illicit activity to generate more profits. Unreported funds, for example. I believe that 400% of the companies for here they use and they abuse the cunning to escape of the taxes. Not that I am against this, quite to the contrary. Until survival question because the State collects insanely and spends everything wrong what it falls in the col. Any form, the plant of the enganao left the control and is the clowns of the Pimpolho circus as always.

Time in when it circulates in the Internet archives PPT showing what it rolls of more common and that many already know: the decoy of the metragem of the hygienical paper, in the weight of the packings always modified for less with the maintenance of the prices, volume of less, ice excessively in the congealed ones, air in excess in the packings, watery tooth folder with half of the hollow pipe and folders excessively causing excess in the hour to shed the product in the tooth brushes. The list is enormous. This company whisker has if shown she accustoms in these practical to roll its customers. Amongst other cunnings that the company created I can cite some: alteration of the weight of milk in dust of old the 440 current grams for 400 grams without discounting of 10% that the company left to plant in the cans, weight of the bars of chocolate old 200 160 grams now only grs without the discounting of the weight that was not packed. Already it requests the company behind times that she directed me its spread sheets of calculations to prove the inexistence of the discountings versus what was not packed or planted.

The Right

For the opposite, it will have law authorizeing and thus, they astonish, will be instituted, legalized the penalty of death in Brazil, but the death penalty will be for defenseless people, while the dangerous criminals will remain eating, drinking and living to ours costs in penitentiaries of maximum security; maximum security that had to be given we, good citizens. How much to the abortion, he is only in favor of it who already was born. Then, vocs had to make a plebiscite and to still hear the opinion of the embryos in formation; how they are pra to be born! Nobody can FORBID somebody to be born. The Right to the life is inalienable and irrenuncivel. Nobody can make use if its proper life, nor of the one of third. They are universal principles of the right.

The proposal would be another one, but vocs so they are obsecados in taking account of the country that does not perceive it. I cannot support you Dilma, candidate of a party that elaborated a plan where if foresees the approval of law that for more than FORBIDS to religious pregao one hour per day in radio, TV, in the street or any place? this is to take off little of God who still remains in the heart of the Brazilians. We will go to look the word of god through priests, shepherds, espritas, also of people who orientates in culture afro and we will not find it, why they will be hindered of speaking for law; they will be able until being imprisoned for having violated the law if to speak. We will have that to go the penitentiaries, to the dungeons to hear advice of religious. To hear the word of God! Nobody can FORBID to the accomplishment of religious cults nor the religious education. By the way, practical the religious one would have to be fomented and not to be verwhelmed.

United States

According to Montesquieu: ' ' The Legislative one makes the laws for some time forever or, and corrects or revokes the ones that are made; the Judiciary one punishes the crimes or judges the demands of particular; the Executive, being the remain to be able, exerts the too much functions of the State, the general management, consisting therefore in the executor of the laws in general ' '. Although the workmanship of Montesquieu, the Spirit of the Laws, has been written in the century. XVIII, the update of the thought of the philosopher meets in the fact to have disclosed one of the sources of the power modern politician, the law treating it to scientific form. It surpasses the traditional legalist boarding and it studies the laws as an expression of the nature of the things. Recognized already for its contemporaries the work of Montesquieu, discloses that, independently of the species of government or regimen politician of data country, the social order is, in itself, heterogeneous and subjects the social inaqualities, most diverse.

The harmonious convivncia being able between them would be a control form where a power would refrearia the abuses and arbitrariedades of the other, it is the theory of checks and balances. The theory of the tripartio being able of inspired them the elaboration of the constitution of the United States of America, and Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen. A tripartio being able of them in the constitution of the United States had intention not to allow to reciprocal interferences nor the transference or delegation of being able, and in the French revolution it found the field certain to germinate having its great moment in the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen of 1789, that it served of preamble the Constitution of 1791, first Constitution of the continental Europe.

National Politics

Difficult to speak of the scene of the national politics without falling in the common place and banalizar what it needs to be transformed The news article that the Magazine Sees (22/09/10) brought on lawsuit 2010 is to haunt: absences, spectacular enrichment in four years of mandate, debts with the Federal Prescription, processes in Federal Justice and the Court of Accounts, proposals presented to the parliament without no relevance and confront it moral that is ' ' soldo' ' of them parliamentarians with have 15 wages to the year Parallel I attend the performance of my colleague, Professor Ricardo Malheiros, formed in Biology for the UFRRJ, working in three different Schools, educating, approximately, 400 young mseros adult and reaching R$1.500, 00 for month. Competent professor, compromised, operating! That values are these that attribute to the parliamentarian biggest value of what to the Educator? Paraphrasing Russian Renato: ' ' That country is this? ' ' Why not to institute minimum wage for all these self-sacrificing men of the national politics! I will vote null in 03/10/10 In protest form I will vote null! Raquel Lopes 25/09/10.

Indoctrination Politics

It is with much ideological sadness that I come the public to express my indignation and repudiation the indoctrination politics and that this being imposed in this Country. The Country this passing for a financial crisis and politics, the inflation already this without control, and in the politics does not exist more opposing of organized form, the only thing that exists is some individuals, that of isolated form, uselessly tries to show to the other side of some lies and hypocrisies of the current government. Until the moment these actions do not come occasioning no effect, the Brazilian people this embebecido of the lulismo? chavismo. She will be necessary of what simple individuals not revealing its insatisfao ahead of this imcompetent person and frivolous government. It is very difficult, or until impossible to say the people that they inhabit cave, that exists a world beyond the shades, who they are accustomed to see daily. A country where the majority of its population does not possess the minimum of instruction and is unaware of the majority of the facts politicians and social world-wide, national and local, these people at least do not obtain to analyze the events critically politicians and economic who are occurring daily in the nation, everything is received without no critical and reflection, them believes blindly, that squid and the PT is the redemption of the Brazilian people. Brazil if became of the Squid and of the PT, they they make what it wants, and nobody says nothing absolutely, is all living as if nothing it was happening, the government increased the crumbs to the villains, the rich ones, to a large extent evade taxes its taxes, whereas the middle class, this have the responsibility to take the country in the coasts, squid destroyed the quality of life of the middle class, this already meets empobrecida.

Public Politics

Not necessarily this cost if translates investment carried through through emergenciais or urgent efficient public politics, time that many of these costs had been unexpected. Certainly that these numbers are indeed significant, mainly when we can critically evaluate the actions that had been developed, and its effectiveness and efficiency in the preservation, protection, promotion and recovery of the Human Rights in the Pblica.2 Security the ACTIONS OF the BRAZILIAN PUBLIC POLITICS OF SECURITY AND the PRESERVATION OF the HUMAN RIGHTS Second study carried through in 2004 (IPEA, 2011a) for researchers of the Institute of Pesquisa Econmica Aplicada (IPEA), the cost of the violence in Brazil was of R$ 92,2 billions. Moreover, the total value was equivalent 5.09% of Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) or per capita R$ 519,40. It affirms Daniel Cerqueira, one of the authors of the work of the Ipea, intitled ‘ ‘ Analysis of the Costs and Consequences of the Violence in the Brasil’ ‘ , study that objectified the identification of the more violent Brazilian cities of the country, ‘ ‘ the cost of the violence in Brazil is one of the greaters of mundo’ ‘. Still according to given of the IPEA, divulged for this study, in 2004 about one tero of the cost with the violence, that is, R$ 31,9 billion had been banked by the public sector while two teros (R$ 60,3 billion) had been arcados by the private sector. ‘ ‘ It is a number conservative, therefore some costs are not computados’ ‘ , it detaches Cerqueira. Of this sum the public sector applied massive in the maintenance of the public security (R$ 28.1 billion), more R$ 2,8 billion with prisional system and R$ 998 million with the system of health, considered element of Security Public (there enclosed aggressions and accidents of transports).