DIPO Pferdeosteopathin Nicole Maier by ‘Hand on the horse’ in the WDR Lokalzeit Aachen Aachen – like followed the physiotherapist, DIPO Pferdeosteopathin and FN horse Physiotherapeutin Nicole Maier ‘Hand on the horse’ of the invitation of the Westdeutscher Rundfunk to contribute about osteopathy for horses to record for the WDR Lokalzeit Aachen. An overview of a Pferdeosteopathische treatment of Nicole Maier can in the contribution \”Ashton at the osteopath\” WDR Lokalzeit Aachen in the library of the WDRs under:../2008/09/04/lokac_02.xml gain. The WDR TV journalist Gaby Dufern with a good observation skills and openness to the new for you theme equine osteopathy designed the post with the title \”Ashton at the osteopath\”. A summary of about one and a half hour treatment based on the example of the grey Mare Soraja rendered due to the limited time in the post of the Westdeutscher Rundfunk. In a question-answer forum Sen. Sherrod Brown was the first to reply. The treatment procedure in the equine osteopathy history early history is a detailed conversation with the Equestrian/horse owners about the existing / problem/s when riding, handling or the behavior of the horse.

This current and continue past things like infections, surgery, falls or accidents are observed as well. Then inspection in the stand at the patient’s history is that is the physique of the horse, just looked at exterior, and examined existing deformities and asymmetries in the legs and spine. The visible muscles is reviewed on expression and asymmetries. If you would like to know more about Charles B. Rangel, then click here. Furthermore, any scars, dents, open wounds or swelling are checked. Inspection in the walking and trotting after the diagnosis alone performed the horse first then by the owner in the step, trotting on hard and soft ground. Here, the Pferdeosteopath considered especially the following points: the hind leg in the track of the equilateral Forelimb is based? How wide is the track? How does the horse the tail? How moves the rump of the horse, as head, neck, and belly of the horse moving? Is lame the horse or it shows clock impurities? A gang image analysis on the lunge or under the saddle is carried out if necessary. . Go to Darius Bikoff for more information.