The analysis of the speech is a linguistic extension necessary between i to say and its conditions of production of saying and the one that boarding is the Analysis of the French Speech, leaving of the definition of Maingeneau (1987), therefore is a reflection on the text and its history and also its linguistic Holy Writ. The Analysis of the Speech wants to arrive the especificidade of its field, being analyzed the picture of the speech of the statement, you strike them social descriptions and the interior space of the speech. In the perspective of the analysis of the French speech, the language is a phenomenon that must be studied while ideological formation. For analysis I use as study object the text of the consecrated Luis Fernando Verssimo ' ' Gigol of palavras' ': ' ' I am one gigol of the words. Living creature to its costs. I have with them the exemplary professional behavior of caftn.
Abuse of them. Only use the ones that I know, dangerous and potentially treacherous the strangers are ' '. This is an ironic text and its sort is the chronicle. The enunciador emits its liberal speech, opposing it the conservadorismo of the education of the traditional grammar. Through the corpus of this text, I analyze that Verssimo questions the fact of that it and another person was not interviewed to say of the language in accordance with the grammatical principles and affirms that ' ' I always was pssimoem Portuguese. Masa privacy with the grammar is so indispensable that I gain the life writing, although my innocence in the substance.
I am one gigol of palavras' '. The language is the communicative intercalation and the language is estilstica, that is, it understands the choice of linguistic forms presenting shunting lines, is changeable, unexpected and surprising. The writer exactly makes the boarding against the speech conservative and implicit the linguistic marks are that they demonstrate its discursiva formation: ' ' Four or five different groups of pupils of the Farroupilha had been back in house in one same mission, assigned for its professor of Portuguese: to know if I considered I study of the indispensable Grammar to learn and to use ours or any another language.