The Labour Political Ideological In ICT

Introduction: Cuba holds that technology is not neutral, it always responds to the interests of those who possess it and apply it. This is one explanation of why the extension of ICT by the world, with a huge potential for profit, has paradoxically contributed the digital divide to accentuate the gap between rich and poor, between holders and dispossessed, exploiters and exploited socioeconomic. Cuba has always advocated the concept that the massive use of ICT is not an end but a powerful tool for development. Reach the society of information and knowledge, the application of ICT, should be done on a socio-economic system that works and is based on social justice and equity and solidarity among men. The draft economic and social development carried out by the Cuban people, puts it in a situation advantageous to undertake the challenge of computerization and the transition to a knowledge-based society.

In the midst of a rigorous blockade which has lasted almost half a century, Cuba: the use and teaching of computing and the use of audiovisual media in intensively applies today to the totality of children, adolescents and young people, in fields and cities. Universities, on the basis of the conception of the universalization of the University education, have extended by all the country’s municipalities 938 University venues, clinging to the deep martiana conviction that without culture there is no possible freedom. National television has been reinforced with two educational channels posts based on education primary, secondary and high school, in whose spaces night and weekend airs material of an instructive nature and high level cultural and recreation. The other two national television channels rely on daylight hours transmission educational including the University program for all aimed at the entire population with a varied theme in the teaching of science, culture, languages and other content, supported by the sale of printed material on sale at the estanquillos de the press at minimum prices.