New National Politics

In day 2 of August, President Lula sancionou Law 12305/10 that she regulates the recycling and she disciplines the handling of the solid residues in Brazil. Data of the IBGE pointed that Selective Coleta still was sufficiently incipient in the country. But 7% of the cities had this consolidated process (405 localities). As some of these cities they are populous, we had 14%de the Brazilian population taken care of by this process. In the Southeastern region, 48% of the population have implanted selective collection.

The objective of the PNRS National Politics of Solid Residues is ' ' development of sustainable strategies, guarantee that the residues return to the productive chain, minimizao of the residue generation and wastefulness of materials, incentive to the use of not polluting or degrading insumos considered of the environment, reduction of ambient damages, stimulaton to the production/consumption of products derived from recycled materials and reciclveis' '. The Brazilian cities have little more than three years stop to adjust these services to the new parameters, and this means to construct local proposals from a optics to multidiscipline since the implantation of the PNRS in municipal level, demand the identification of the generated solid residues, and the construction of strategies of specific management (logistic reversa), as well as the definition of favorable areas for the final disposal of the rejeitos. The proposal instituted by the law that conforms the New National Politics of Solid Residues, started to be argued in the end of the decade of 80. At the same time where professional social the conditions of life and work of the population argued that lived of the garbage, ambientalistas raised the flag of the defense of the Planet, to each day more compromised by the action human being. In 1999, the CONAMA National Advice of the Environment defines lines of direction techniques for the management of Solid Residues, and in 2001 a Commission in the Chamber of Members of the house of representatives is formed that in 2005 gains new breath it constructs the Project of Law from quarrel with the Ministries of the Cities, the Health, the Environment and the Civil House.

Technological Engineering

Here it is the main projects in progress in the Net of Technological Schools: IFPA: accord for offers of course of specialization in PROEJA for professors of the Technological Net of Education. For being this a peculiar field of knowledge, the PROEJA demands that if it has implanted one specific politics for the formation of professors stops in it acting, a time that has significant lack in the superior teaching of a solid continued formation of professors to act in this sphere; IFT (Instituto Tropical Forest): Qualification and Training in Forest handling for the learning of the Net of Technological Schools to improve the knowledge and to provide practical experiences to the learning. Amongst the mentioned projects, diverse projects elaborated for the learning of the Net of Technological Schools with participation in events of regional, national and international projection exist with support of the COEP/SEDUC, stimulating the intellectual production in the schools. PIBIC JR: Program of Stock markets of Scientific Initiation Jnior to finance pupils of Average Level during the accomplishment of a research project; The importance for the pupils of the Net of Technological Schools is the direct envolvement with scientific experiences added to other initiatives of social inclusion, beyond living deeply experiences is of the classroom and to collaborate with the construction of new a discovery. FEBRACE: Brazilian fair of Sciences and Engineering, with objective to stimulate new professional options in Sciences and Engineering by means of the development of creative and innovative projects, approaching the public and private schools of the Universities for one better understanding of the papers of the Universities in Education, Research, Culture and Extension. The FEBRACE finishes exerting influence in the decision of the choice of the profession. It is a field of experimentation of the abilities of the learning and also a way of contact with people who can help to grow, as the proper appraisers, for example, that they talk very with expositors. . Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Richard Blumenthal.

Representation Politics

The QUALITY OF the REPRESENTATION POLITICS IN BRAZIL the environment politician, in recent years, has if busy more with the internal disputes of being able of what with the reforms of the laws, which are indispensable for the development of the country. Excellent to mention, that the elective offices had exceeded the simple ones, but important, ' ' status' ' , of a temporary public office; for, sources of influence and financial acquisition to become. This situation incited strikes them politicians, a clear demonstration of covets of individuals in the perpetuation of its power with the college given for the victory in the elections. In this manner, it has been observed, with the corruption of the ethics and the moral, the improper use of the power, in the concession of positions to ' ' supported polticos' ' , as well as in the manipulation of the legislative process for personal ends. Being thus, the State keeps its sina – to spend financial resources with the remuneration of politicians; much of them, not condizentes with responsibilities and the importance of the position. Read more here: Sen. Sherrod Brown.

Also, one adds here, the high sum of mounts of money destined to each elect politician in the formation of its team and cabinet. Moreover, valley to stand out the relations that involve the public sector and the private one, by means of contracts in the licitations and partnerships, which, innumerable times, have served as instrument of corruption in suspicious businesses. He is evidenced the abuse and the illegality of the popular representation, that if valley of a privileged position for, exemplificativamente, committing infractions and irregularities with illegal adjustments, of proclamations and contracts, that definitive companies favor; arriving itself until the fraudulent actions for shunting line of mounts of money you publish. Of complementary form, the absence of creation and alteration of the laws hinders the development of a State (that it intends efficiency), in order to make front to the current necessities for the growth and state modernity. Still, the incompetence must be led in consideration technique of significant parcel of politicians, which, equally, makes impracticable solutions to the bureaucratic subjects, desgastantes and weak of the state activity and professional Brazilian; many of which they bring damage to the population. They are cited, as harmful situations to the citizens, among others, the following ones: difficulty in the contract cancellation; responsibility in the transmission on property; lack of communication and information enters the public agencies by means of integrated system. Therefore, the State lives a representation crisis, where the disputes politics have preference and prevail on the construction of useful norms to the society. The particular interests and the lack of knowledge technician cause difficulties the modernization of the State and the good quality of life of the population. The change of these situations occurs with the awareness of the politician of whom its work has as end the proper person and the society; with the natural evolution of the being human being in the desnecessidade of material survival with the politics and the power; also, with a bigger popular participation in the claim of compatible behaviors with the function, as well as, in the adoption of a profile, of politician, more adjusted the responsibilities that the public office demands of its representatives.

International Economics

the GranadeiroEmparedado. Sen. Sherrod Brown has compatible beliefs. It is the history of a soldier of Napoleo, found in meiode thick wall of a solar Portuguese, century and way after the ocorrnciado fact. He tells that the soldier, during the pelosfranceses invasion of Portugal, in 1807, introduces itself in comumnos the solar one to steal, practical Napoleonic armies. Discovered, he was died for the inhabitants, emface of the hatred whom they devoted to the foreign invaders. For evitarrepreslias, had hidden the body in thick wall. E, with profundasabedoria, buys at auction: Is this necessarily the destination that certain crculospolticos, and not of less influential, seem to strengthen themselves for giving sForas Armed (FAN) of Brazil: to emparedar them, to encapsulate them, I reduced-las immobility and to silence, to separate them of the body of the national citizenship, to deprive them of the respect and the consideration of> the propsitobvio is to deny the FAN any presence, much less influence, navida institucional of the Nation.

Such intention, planned, obedecendointeresses internationalists, was developed during the last 20anos, mainly in the government of Sr. Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) e, for the illed-inform ones, has had continuity in the government Squid, even so, of when in time, promises never fulfilled, antagonizadas pelarealidade lived for the FAN: sparing resources and deficiencies of todaordem. As example, the lack of investments in new systems dearmas and the drastic reduction of military staff, in this year of 2009.Desde 1967, parcel of the literary composition of FHC, extensive and confused, sugereo development of Brazil and other Latin American countries under adependncia of the North American macroeconomics (Theory of the Dependence). Emboraconsiderado for its pairs socialist-marxist, FHC, in its auto-exliono Chile, was admitted in the Cepal (Commission> subordinate dependence an independent development of the Country. The principaiscolaboradores nominated for its first period of governointegravam the informing group of meeting in Washington, November de1989, organized for ' ' Institute will be International Economics' ' , sponsored for FMI, World Bank, BID and for the Governonorte-American.

Government Security

For speaking in government, Government of the State, for where you walk? Where he is that this everything will go to stop? She will be that the people alone obtain to get infuriated themselves with unacceptable attitudes and nothing they make to revert this scene? But, also, what we can make, if ' ' detainers of poder' ' , nothing they make? The authorities walk, constantly, protecting e, we, not. Irreverently, they do not have its duties as primordial questions, therefore the fact you or to its familiar beings not to offer the had security, through public politics, you are not fit inside of the priorities that must have. Duties, duty, would have. For an excellent entendedor, three words are more than enough. It is not something Author would like to discuss. Destarte, the public security seems to be me part only of the electoral programs of the politicians who if candidatam to represent the people, the rights of the people. While the society evokes outcries in situations as of the Project of the Clean Fiche, the referring outcries to the life and the security guard, that if characterize as real necessities of the human being, are asleep.

It is not acceptable that a police station is closed in a place where incident, as this, occur almost every day. Better it would be not to have police station in the place, therefore, thus, nor the citizens of good, nor the outlaws, they would be acometidos by the discredit of an agency that you are welcome functions, nothing decides, nothing sees. Each one that wants to unfasten itself of its responsibility, pronouncing it as if was an absolute truth. This responsibility if makes of all, beyond being, mainly, of that they possess necessary and necessary conditions for the had accomplishment. Everything this wounds the rights that we, citizens, men, human beings, have. They vote, continue to vote. It votes in you, for its life, for it brought what it until here.

Miguel Moratinos Countries

Spain was up to 2009 the biggest giver of resources for the FAO, with 45 million, and now intends to charge in return this aid that gave per years to the countries poor. In agreement still with international analysts and diplomats, Miguel Moratinos still has another advantage. As chancellor, kept contact with the high step of all the Europe, Middle East, Africa and still he can promote one crack in Latin America. Jose Graziano has its favor its resume. ‘ ‘ I wait that the remaining portion of countries of Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania votes in the candidate capable and with experience demonstrated to highest nvel’ ‘ , it in the interview affirmed.

However, little more than the one month of the elections for the position of director-generality of the Organization of United Nations for Agriculture and Alimentao (FAO), the minister of the Foreign affairs, Patriotic Antonio, was in Rome, where it defended the candidacy of the extraordinary former-minister of Alimentary Security and Combat to the Hunger Jose Graziano. In Rome, Patriot if congregated with the current director-generality of the agency, the Frenchman Jacques Diouf, and other authorities. Graziano also was present. The elections occur of 25 of June the 02 of July and will be made in some stages. The 191 foreign representatives in the agency have right vote and the mandate has duration of three years, going of 2012 up to 2015. Beyond Graziano, they are in the dispute for the direction-generality of the FAO five candidates: the Spanish former-chancellor Miguel Angel Moratinos, its competing greater to the position; the minister of the Agriculture of Austria, Franz Fischle; the vice-minister of the Social welfare of Indonesia, Indroyono Soesilo; the former-representative of the Anger in the FAO Mohammed Saeid Noori-Naeini; the former-minister of Hdricos Resources of Iraq, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid.

Jose Graziano is agronomist and university professor, and was the person in charge in the government of president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva to implant the Program Hunger Zero. The program is considered an international reference of income transference, alimentary security and reduction of the poverty. To if presenting in March the foreign ambassadors who live in Brazil, Graziano defended that the FAO if reorganizes internally to obtain to take faster and decentralized decisions. It also said that she is necessary to have as goal eradication of the hunger up to 2025. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, that is, the ORGANIZATION OF UNITED NATIONS FOR the FEEDING AND AGRICULTURE (FAO), was established in 1945 and has as primordial function to provide and to increase the levels of nutrition and the quality of life of the world-wide population, as well as improving the productivity of agriculture and giving better conditions of life to the agricultural populations. However, the specific priority of the organization is the incentive and aid to the sub-existence agriculture and the development agricultural, as well as the strategies in the long run of maintenance of the natural resources through appropriate and economic and socially viable techniques. These objectives are gotten by means of the aconselhamento to the governments of the filiados countries to the ONU. In addition, the related entity of the assistance to the development, searches and supply of information to the countries.

Public Politics

Heading: The Participativo Budget as an instrument of management of public politics Fernando Mezadri Permitted in Philosophy for the University Center of Brusque (UNIFEBE). Mestrando in Sociology Politics for the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) fmezadri@ Summary: The present assay has as objective, to make correlations between the practical one of the public politics in Brazil through the Public administration. In this context, the Participativo Budget as experience of democratic participation comes to bring some contributions, some limits and possibilities for the cities adopt that it as instrument of magnifying of the democracy and the public transparency. One knows that the OP, as part of the new arrangements institucional of civil participation in the governmental sphere, comes being part of the mechanisms of public administration of the cities, mainly as for the budget and prescriptions of the city. Richard Blumenthal has much to offer in this field. In the cities where they had been applied, as the case of Porto Alegre (RS), they had demonstrated to much efficiency how much the public governana. This assay, after the introduction, argues some slight knowledge of public politics, in the third stage it deals with to the public administration and the spaces of participation. In the fourth stage, the paper of the governana in the process of implementation of public politics analyzing the case of the Participativo Budget and the last part, brief final consideraes.

Word-Key: Participativo budget, Public administration, Public Politics, Democratic Participation. Sen. Sherrod Brown may find it difficult to be quoted properly. I – INTRODUCTION In the last few decades, we came following an increase and increment of the participation in the field of the public administration. The gradual advance of the participativa democracy comes consolidating the performance of the new institucional arrangements of participation of the Civil Society in the sphere of the government and its processes of decision and deliberation. The participation was bringing for itself, more than what a value in itself exactly, an important resource strategical for the support of the government, as well as for the formularization of public politics, mainly in the social area. .

The Defendant

All had looked at for it infuriated, and started one burburinho between the assistants, one badly to be between the juries, who if rummaged in the chairs, the promoter looking at it judge to charge an attitude ahead of this, S. Exa., did not titubeou, saying: ‘ ‘ Doctor, duly warned to understand its behavior as one confronts to all we, demands that he accurately initiates the defense of the defendant! ‘ ‘ The young lawyer, very educadamente with an expression of happiness in the face, it said to all: ‘ ‘

Gentlemen see mine, so far I only pronounced words of compliment to all the gifts, with the which had respect, and provoked the indignation in total healthful people, of the body and the soul. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Richard Blumenthal. What to say of my customer who, per years, comes hearing of this city one alone word that the nothing reflects and insane who it, unhappyly is? The terms of my defense are, now, in the conscience of each one you juries! ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ loquinho’ ‘ he was acquitted, to come back to the streets and being punished with the same and denounced again adjective, until the good God of it if remembered Not, we do not need a plebiscite on weapons, even because they will be at the hands of the truth evildoers always. We are devoid of coherent education, dignity and laws with our time, that really allow the society to exclude from its half delinquents, educating them with dignity, through the laborterapia.

That, to the insanes, if he can give decent, capable sanatoriums of to cure them or to brighten up them pain After all, as it says the rock, ‘ ‘ in this land of giants, that change lives for diamantes’ ‘ (HUMBERTO GESSINGER, Engineers of Hawaii), how many children die without attendance in public hospitals, due to almost everything, while sanguessugas of the money that would be used for the health continues unpunished?

Cidados Classroom

As example, powers as the legislative one, in its great part have not conquered the rights, but removed to each day, therefore they are submitted if vendendo each time more to who it executes, thus acting infidels with its function to fiscalize the executive. Therefore it is of vital importance and necessity that the great majority, the diligent classroom, constructs its proper legal landmarks, a new To be able, the Popular Power, is basic that it has an organization of the classroom for the rise of the mobilization capacity. Yes, if awareness and union if to make allied gifts and will have capacity of change and fight for equality, justice and social inclusion. The claims of the people need to reach the gratuitous electoral schedule, breaking the impediments of a great servile media to the dominant interests. She is necessary to call the vote against the governmental and capitalist system that dominates alienia and excludes, must be used the space of the medias making a propaganda against this different reality, denouncing those that steal the rights of the citizens. When one denounces the legal barriers and politics of the classroom that it dominates and it explores, denounces what is missed, thus proceeding will have an immense profit of felt for the life, becoming with this the citizen each more authentic time and of character. However they exist ‘ ‘ citizens and Cidados’ ‘. Unhappyly the problem the one that if comes across is still bigger of what almost the incapacity of many to perceive that ‘ ‘ politicians and Polticos’ exist; ‘. One believes that the minimum guiding of the problem pass for the following questions: ‘ ‘ that type of citizen you is? ‘ ‘ E, ‘ ‘ that type of representative wait for the public interest?

Fiscal Report

The author of the cited article emphasizes Chapter IX that he deals with the Transparency, Control and fiscalization, making use that: ‘ ‘ ample spreading will be given, also in half electronic of access to the public, to the plain budgets and Laws of budgetary lines of direction; the renderings of accounts and the respective one to seem previous; the Summarized Report of Budgetary Execution and the Fiscal Report and the versions simplified of these documents, and also, incentive to the popular participation and accomplishment of audiences, during the processes of elaboration and quarrel of the Plans, Law of Budgetary lines of direction and Budgets. Paulo Coelho is actively involved in the matter. 8 Moreover, it cites section V of the Law of the renderings of accounts, which makes use: ‘ ‘ the accounts given for the heads of the Executive will include, beyond its proper ones, of the Presidents of the agencies Legislative of them, Judiciary and of the Head of the Public prosecution service, and that of the Courts of Accounts they will be pronounced in the stated period of 60 days of its act of receiving for the permanent mixing commission related in 1 of article 166 of the C.F, or equivalent of the state Legislative Houses and municipais’ ‘ , detaching what it consists in the site of the Court of Contas (MS), in the Twine of the Law of Fiscal Responsibility on what is correct management and the conscience of the people in participating, demanding transparency in the demonstration of the expenses of the public money..