For speaking in government, Government of the State, for where you walk? Where he is that this everything will go to stop? She will be that the people alone obtain to get infuriated themselves with unacceptable attitudes and nothing they make to revert this scene? But, also, what we can make, if ' ' detainers of poder' ' , nothing they make? The authorities walk, constantly, protecting e, we, not. Irreverently, they do not have its duties as primordial questions, therefore the fact you or to its familiar beings not to offer the had security, through public politics, you are not fit inside of the priorities that must have. Duties, duty, would have. For an excellent entendedor, three words are more than enough. It is not something Author would like to discuss. Destarte, the public security seems to be me part only of the electoral programs of the politicians who if candidatam to represent the people, the rights of the people. While the society evokes outcries in situations as of the Project of the Clean Fiche, the referring outcries to the life and the security guard, that if characterize as real necessities of the human being, are asleep.
It is not acceptable that a police station is closed in a place where incident, as this, occur almost every day. Better it would be not to have police station in the place, therefore, thus, nor the citizens of good, nor the outlaws, they would be acometidos by the discredit of an agency that you are welcome functions, nothing decides, nothing sees. Each one that wants to unfasten itself of its responsibility, pronouncing it as if was an absolute truth. This responsibility if makes of all, beyond being, mainly, of that they possess necessary and necessary conditions for the had accomplishment. Everything this wounds the rights that we, citizens, men, human beings, have. They vote, continue to vote. It votes in you, for its life, for it brought what it until here.