Will There Be A Second Wave Of Crisis

To the Director of a single information center "Aslan barter" Badmatsyrenova ts.A. Yes, of course! After the first wave of crisis, banks have tightened requirements for borrowers of funds. Real economy in lack of money has reduced the volume of production. I guess that from the second quarter of 2009 the situation stabilized, but the problem is gone, it just went to a new level, which is expected to peak in autumn this year. The reason is simple and logical. According to the Central Bank of Russian Federation "of debts on loans in the currency of the Russian Federation, legal persons and individual entrepreneurs in economic activities" outstanding loans dramatically increased, for example, in the republic of Buryatia (by RF) for April-2293, 6 (3,822,594.1) million rubles in May, 2282, 3 (3,929,849.5) million rubles. As of June already 15318.4 (9,140,943.3) million rubles, ie, in the Republic of debts for the month rose more than 5 times, rf 2.3. It is easy understand that the increase in debts continue and will peak in the autumn, because payments on loans for enterprises in Russia, issued before the financial crisis, Russian banks will fall to fall, because the average credit issued for the year. Many businesses can not pay because they had no pre-crisis sales, which they expected, and therefore profits. How much is it serious? The government and banks do not allow the bankruptcy of the real sector of the economy and there will be refinancing these businesses and increase "bad" loans.

Productive Intelligence

Contextual I.P: The man who observes its prxis, that run away the rules and norms established for the society and meet present in diverse social environments and that to understand it, has that to investigate the context historical partner, of the values of the ethics, the moral of the customs. RESULTS Are through our attitudes and our true motivations that will multiply Productive Intelligence and will become cultural, intrinsic part in all the activities human beings. I understand as new term, that ‘ ‘ INTELLIGENCE PRODUTIVA’ ‘ he is the man compromissado and endowed with qualitative, igualitrio and inclusive thought ethical that although the partner-cultural differences develop adequate behaviors as inserted individual in society, and enabled of reflection-critical and a contextual one of the diverse changes that occur in the man in the society, the knowledge and its way to produce. In done research to a fair of products and businesses this researcher evidenced that professional the enterprise world search with quality of thought and power of decision in its qualification and its comprometimento with the Company and the society. A positioning of competition or simply of new ideas does not fit more to the professionals, without if worrying about the future, and Reals necessities of the society, that each clienter time of its rights demand commitment on the part of the Companies and the involved professionals; that yearns for a search of the contextualizao of the man, the product and the way where lives, that it encloses a system all of survival of the man. ‘ ‘ When observing a Company perceives that as the Pedagogia its process walks in direction the defined accomplishment of ideas and objectives, and as the pedagogia the relation if of the one between human beings also, therefore, the necessity of if working the person of integral form, searching changes if necessary in the behavior of this human being and not to look at it as a part inside of the company..