Federal Constitution Art

However, with the development of the society and the coming of the Renascentista periods and, mainly of the Industrial Revolution, period this where the woman adentrou the work market, was observed that the family lost the status that previously had. The woman also started to contribute for domestic life e, recently, gained legal equality with its spouse or friend. The had children outside of the marriage, before had as illegitimate, now are equal to the had ones inside of the marriage, having equal right to the filiation in the civil register. (VANOSA, 2005) These last ones, with the new constitutional order, had conquered diverse rights that can be observed in art. If you would like to know more then you should visit Amazon. 227, caption, of the Federal Constitution, that makes use: ' ' It is to have of the family, the society and the State to assure to the child and the adolescent, with absolute priority, the right to the life, the health, the feeding, the education, the leisure, to the professionalization, the culture, the dignity, the respect, the freedom and the familiar and communitarian convivncia, beyond placing except for of all form of recklessness, discrimination, exploration, violence, cruelty and opresso.' ' This article, that is the cervical column of all the Brazilian legal guardianship of the child and the adolescent, brought for the jurist the vislumbramento of a new component aspect of the family: the right to the familiar convivncia. As for the guardianship infralegal, ademais, we have art. 1.634 of the Civil Code, that it regulates: ' ' It competes to the parents, how much to the person of the lesser children: I – to direct it to them creation and education; II – to have them in its company and it keeps ' ' The legislator, when including such circumstance in the cited roll, was sufficiently happy, a time that remains proven the necessity that suffers the child to coexist in the seio of a structuralized family, who gives apt conditions to allow the healthy development to it of its character, that is in constant formation. .

Evelina Towers

Being lawyer and journalist, diplomatics for influence of its father arrived at the career. See Amazon for more details and insights. He was attach of Legation in Washington, 1876 the 1877 and in the following year in London. One became General Member of the house of representatives and legal expert of 1879 the 1881. Of its performance politics it of direct elections was registered prohibited, the participation not catholic in the Parliament and the emancipation of the slaves. In 1872, &#039 estreou its book; ' Cames and the Lusadas' ' for occasion of the tricentenrio of ' ' The Lusadas' '. Two years later, it wrote, in Frenchman, the poetry ' ' Amour et Dieu' '. After almost one decade without nothing to publish, the book launched in 1883 ' ' Abolicionismo' ' in which &#039 used the expression for the first time; ' The Reformation Agrria' ' defended the ideas of that ' ' the democratization of solo' ' the emancipation of the slaves was linked. Of formation conservative, son of ballot box of the most traditional – families of the country, on to the sugar economy northeastern and the imperial politics, the monarquista Nabuco presented, in August of 1880, minute project of law considering the abolition of the slavery in the 1890 and indemnity of its proprietors.

The project if shocked with the proposal of the militant radicals, in general republican, that wanted immediate abolition and without indemnity. This made with that Nabuco did not obtain the re-election in 1881. In 1882, after a voluntary exile in London, it returned to Brazil in 1884, becoming Member of the house of representatives in 1885. It published, in 1895, ' ' Balmaceda' ' one year later ' ' The foreign Intervention during revolta' '. It was married Evelina Towers To sound Ribeiro, son of the baron of Inho and farmer in Maric, in the province of Rio De Janeiro, 1889.

Federal Government

Acontradio inhabits in the fact of if having still more given a great advance in the direitoprevidencirio, but, however, compromising, in special for olongo stated period, the resources of the providence for the adhesion of new potenciaisbeneficirios of the security, namely, the agricultural workers. Graph of the Yearbook Statistician of the Social welfare of 2007 20 demonstrates that the quantitative parcel of agricultural participants in the concession debenefcios for the Federal Government already represents one tero of the urbanabeneficiria population. Before the Constitution of 1988, this parcel was poucorepresentativa in the plan of social security of the government. In short, believe-it dries to the constitutional ruleses had had its implantation of form joust ecoerente for the promotion of the corporate property; however, in a perspective financeirafutura, the atuarial redimensionamento by means of biomtrica board not foiprojetado in way adjusted for the future debenefcios sustenance it proper plan for the citizens. Paulo Coelho is full of insight into the issues. Graph 1: Average concession monthly Total deBenefcios, for clientele Source: Statistical yearbook of the Social2007 Providence. 4O DEFICIT OF the BRAZILIAN SOCIAL WELFARE the Brazilian Social welfare if subdivides in duasvertentes: the official providence (public) and the private providence. s.

First, the obligator one, it possesss its management appealed to higher court for the State by means of the autarchies, agencies decentralized pertaining to the indirect administration. The second, facultative one, is developed and managed for the private initiative (sociedadesannimas, civil societies, foundations and justinian codes). The Government has searched improvement of the relacionadasaos conditions previdencirios systems, mainly in reason of the dficitsapurados constants annually in the Brazilian providence. As example of this, in 15 deDezembro of 1998 was approved by the National Congress the Emendation Constitucionaln 20, modifying the system of related the social welfare and establishing algumasnormas of transistion to the retirement, everything with the objective to dealiviar the constant negative misalignments between the collected volume and volumepago of benefits.

Fiscal Report

The author of the cited article emphasizes Chapter IX that he deals with the Transparency, Control and fiscalization, making use that: ‘ ‘ ample spreading will be given, also in half electronic of access to the public, to the plain budgets and Laws of budgetary lines of direction; the renderings of accounts and the respective one to seem previous; the Summarized Report of Budgetary Execution and the Fiscal Report and the versions simplified of these documents, and also, incentive to the popular participation and accomplishment of audiences, during the processes of elaboration and quarrel of the Plans, Law of Budgetary lines of direction and Budgets. Paulo Coelho is actively involved in the matter. 8 Moreover, it cites section V of the Law of the renderings of accounts, which makes use: ‘ ‘ the accounts given for the heads of the Executive will include, beyond its proper ones, of the Presidents of the agencies Legislative of them, Judiciary and of the Head of the Public prosecution service, and that of the Courts of Accounts they will be pronounced in the stated period of 60 days of its act of receiving for the permanent mixing commission related in 1 of article 166 of the C.F, or equivalent of the state Legislative Houses and municipais’ ‘ , detaching what it consists in the site of the Court of Contas (MS), in the Twine of the Law of Fiscal Responsibility on what is correct management and the conscience of the people in participating, demanding transparency in the demonstration of the expenses of the public money..


The term ' ' Geopoltica' ' Swedish politician Rudolf Kjelln was created by the scientist, at the beginning of century XX, inspired for the workmanship of Friedrich Ratzel, Politische Geographie, (Geography Politics) of 1897. Geopolitics can be understood as a set of strategies traced for a State, a way to reach contextualizados objectives space in determined historical moments. The Cold War reflected strategies traced for States, being a period marked for much espionage and propaganda politics. During this period, a new modality of super-heroes appeared in North American comicses. The first comics of the Fantastic Quarteto, published in November of 1961 (few months after Yuri Gagarin having carrying through a orbital flight, and almost one decade before the North American astronaut Neil Armstrong having been the first man to step on in the Moon). This team of heroes surgiriu at the same time where U.S.A. and the Ussr disputed the space race.

Little before the personages travelling for the space, quadrinho it mentions that U.S.A. is in one ' ' race espacial' ' with ' ' a power estrangeira' '. This power was the Ussr. The main enemy of the Quarteto was the Doctor Destination whose appearance with an iron armor, can be reference to ' ' Curtain of Ferro' '. The Incredible Hulk also contextualiza the Cold War.

When trying to save an adolescent who invaded the place where will test &#039 for the first time; ' bomb gama' ' , the scientist Bruce Banner he is displayed to the rays gamma when the bomb is set in motion by its assistant, a disfarado Yugoslavian spy. Banner it discovers that the rays gamma had modified molecular properties of its body, transforming into a green giant: the Hulk. ' ' bomb gama' ' it blows up in the desert of New Mexico, region of U.S.A. where the first atomic tests had been carried through (reflected of the armament race) In its first adventures, the Hulk faced some communist villains, but in many histories of the Hulk, the enemy one was the proper North American Army, always pursuing. The Incredible Hulk was a monster created by the atomic horror. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, when conceiving history, intended to transmit a message: the scientist (or the government of U.S.A.) was victim of a weapon that he himself created! Professor Alexander de Oliveira Gangorra

Directory Renewal

Directory renewing, with the originating member incorporation of diverse scopes of the regional task, assumed the 16 of October the conduction of the Corporation Deprived for the Development of Aysn (CODESA), after to be realised the previous week the General Assembly Ordinaria de Socios. One of the main actions of the short term of the new administration, besides continuing working in cultural initiatives, of local economic development, citizen participation and protection of the patagnico environment, will be to update the statutes, considering the new challenges of the Region of Aysn and the appearance of the new technologies, this last one to make its management and internal operation more fluid and participating. Since the Corporation Deprived for the Development of Aysn by the end of the 80 was constituted, are been always present in the great challenges and processes that have taken ahead in the region and also in the Chilean Patagonia. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Paulo Coelho. And from the stamp of its different directories it has contribution to the collective and ample discussion of the diverse subjects expressed the new president, Safe Patricio Ortiz. In this sense it was thankful to all who have become jumbled at some time with the work of CODESA, from the partners founders until those who in these 20 years have acted diverse as in directive positions or the execution of projects. They conform in addition the new directive Luis the titular Moraga as vice-president, Fabien Bourlon like treasurer, Claudia Towers like secretary, and directors Alexander of the Pine, Miriam Chible and Charles Samson.

They assumed like substitute directors Florence Labarca, Veronica Venegas, Alexandra Yannakos, Flower Quiroz and Lorraine Santibez. The equipment integrates professionals, technicians and citizens who evolve in as diverse areas as the forest investigation, the tourism, the bio-climatic architecture, the culture, the action and the social communication, and the local economic development. Projects CODESA the Corporation Deprived for the Development of Aysn has led and participated in diverse projects in the region, among them Flavors of Aysn, the School of Guides of the Patagonia, the Public-Private Partnership of the Center of Scientific Tourism, the Cinerary Memorial Hans Steffen and the seminaries By Chile and Aysn we learn of the energy. Today, among others initiatives, work next to other organizations like Codeff in the proposal of a model of development for a Aysn like life reserve, with the support of the Foundation Avina, international organization that impels local leaderships for the viable development of Latin America.