Forest Council

Meanwhile over 280 hectares were reforested by over 22,000 BaumSparVertrage permanently an area the size of the Berlin Wannsee. Tree gifts are something very special! GeschenkBaum or tree savings are investments in ecological timber reforestation, which bring a triple return: a financial, a social and an environmental. They are not only financially lucrative, but secure also permanent jobs and have additional long-term positive effects for climate and environment: rain forests will be protected, CO2 is bound for decades and created rich mixed forests permanently. The mixed forests are replanted according to the strict guidelines for environmentally and socially sustainable forest management of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Forest Council. The reforestation of the species-rich mixed forests occurs before species poor Brach and pastureland. The trees harvest is also selectively, so that even after harvesting lasting rich mixed forests consist remains. Thus GeschenkBaum or BaumSparVertrag are not only perfect gift ideas, but also sustainable gifts for any occasion: to the birth, baptism, Christmas, birthday, or wedding. About ForestFinance: The Bonn ForestFinance group manages a total 16,000 hectares of ecological agroforestry and forest areas in Latin America (Peru, Panama, Colombia) and Viet Nam.

She specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. Interested parties can choose between different products and invest in different models of sustainable tropical forestry: at the BaumSparVertrag planted trees per year for 33 euro-12, the projected rate of return is four to nine per cent, see the WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 tropical forest with return guarantee. For investors who wish to replant 10,000 m2 with option on real estate, WoodStockInvest is the right product. CacaoInvest is an investment in fine cocoa and wood, with possible annual payments already from the second year. GreenAcacia is a forest investment with only seven years total term and annual payouts. Pure forest is a sustainable forest fund with only 14 years maturity and early recoveries. A coordinated security concept with insurance, crop communities, insurance areas, certifications and subsequent planting guarantees contributes to the investor protection.

Experiences Business

“Ecopoint the platform for ‘green’ companies in Asia as Jeff Smith 2004 his first Internet company Karma technologies” founded, he lived in London. The rapid development of network technology and Hong Kong’s thriving economy then 2009 pulled him in the Asian metropolis. In Hong Kong’s business world and in the region, he found a growing environmental awareness and the need to produce more sustainable. But what was missing was a central platform for the connection of such companies. It was possible to find information about this but had to visit many different websites, “said Jeff Smith.

Jeff Smith 2011 founded the ecopoint limited to close this gap,”in Hong Kong. The company’s online business directory and community for eco-friendly and sustainable cultivation companies in Asia. Ecopoint is not simply a more green”news site, but a business directory, where individuals and businesses can find expertise and Experiences, resources, and customers for the purpose of business expansion in Asia discuss can.”stresses Jeff Smith. The portal is financed through the paid business directory and the database for jobs, as well as the use of banner advertising. Jeff Smith, Hong Kong is the best place in Asia to such a network with experts and green”from all over the world to build companies.

Since most of the staff are from the United States and Europe from ecopoint, we wanted in a town where we could simply communicate and connect us with the region. Hong Kong provides the environment to such a company can succeed. Convinced told us the local effort to support start-ups, whether through assistance in establishing companies or the willingness to bring together people with similar ideas.” It came after the start in the first 12 months mainly as a trusted brand for businesses and individuals to establish ecopoint, move the target groups, to register and Information to deliver. We have focused first on, to create a community where contacts, information and ideas are exchanged. Then it was essential to promote the visibility of the job and event pages. To do this, we cooperated with outside companies from the region. What began as a kind of social network, now to a comprehensive directory of business evolved, the comprehensive information about the networking of companies offers. “, as the founder. The strategy by Jeff Smith and his team went on and it helps ecopoint to steady growth. What began with a few hundred users online page, using other social media platforms to a community with 10,000 users, friends ‘ followers developed and. The core users of ecopoint, which it wants to offer a simplified platform with valuable sources but remain the main target group. Originally focused on B2B ecopoint working now to cover also the business to consumer (B2C) area. Jeff Smith is also planning the services of ecopoint over others Satellite “to offer pages throughout Asia, and he is satisfied with the progress so far.” At the moment, we have thousands of users who actively contribute to our online community and numerous companies that ensure the growth of our business directory.