New National Politics

In day 2 of August, President Lula sancionou Law 12305/10 that she regulates the recycling and she disciplines the handling of the solid residues in Brazil. Data of the IBGE pointed that Selective Coleta still was sufficiently incipient in the country. But 7% of the cities had this consolidated process (405 localities). As some of these cities they are populous, we had 14%de the Brazilian population taken care of by this process. In the Southeastern region, 48% of the population have implanted selective collection.

The objective of the PNRS National Politics of Solid Residues is ' ' development of sustainable strategies, guarantee that the residues return to the productive chain, minimizao of the residue generation and wastefulness of materials, incentive to the use of not polluting or degrading insumos considered of the environment, reduction of ambient damages, stimulaton to the production/consumption of products derived from recycled materials and reciclveis' '. The Brazilian cities have little more than three years stop to adjust these services to the new parameters, and this means to construct local proposals from a optics to multidiscipline since the implantation of the PNRS in municipal level, demand the identification of the generated solid residues, and the construction of strategies of specific management (logistic reversa), as well as the definition of favorable areas for the final disposal of the rejeitos. The proposal instituted by the law that conforms the New National Politics of Solid Residues, started to be argued in the end of the decade of 80. At the same time where professional social the conditions of life and work of the population argued that lived of the garbage, ambientalistas raised the flag of the defense of the Planet, to each day more compromised by the action human being. In 1999, the CONAMA National Advice of the Environment defines lines of direction techniques for the management of Solid Residues, and in 2001 a Commission in the Chamber of Members of the house of representatives is formed that in 2005 gains new breath it constructs the Project of Law from quarrel with the Ministries of the Cities, the Health, the Environment and the Civil House.