Fiscal Report

The author of the cited article emphasizes Chapter IX that he deals with the Transparency, Control and fiscalization, making use that: ‘ ‘ ample spreading will be given, also in half electronic of access to the public, to the plain budgets and Laws of budgetary lines of direction; the renderings of accounts and the respective one to seem previous; the Summarized Report of Budgetary Execution and the Fiscal Report and the versions simplified of these documents, and also, incentive to the popular participation and accomplishment of audiences, during the processes of elaboration and quarrel of the Plans, Law of Budgetary lines of direction and Budgets. Paulo Coelho is actively involved in the matter. 8 Moreover, it cites section V of the Law of the renderings of accounts, which makes use: ‘ ‘ the accounts given for the heads of the Executive will include, beyond its proper ones, of the Presidents of the agencies Legislative of them, Judiciary and of the Head of the Public prosecution service, and that of the Courts of Accounts they will be pronounced in the stated period of 60 days of its act of receiving for the permanent mixing commission related in 1 of article 166 of the C.F, or equivalent of the state Legislative Houses and municipais’ ‘ , detaching what it consists in the site of the Court of Contas (MS), in the Twine of the Law of Fiscal Responsibility on what is correct management and the conscience of the people in participating, demanding transparency in the demonstration of the expenses of the public money..