Political Party

The primary measure of the influence of parties on political life is the rating. For more accurate indicators include the percentage of voters who cast their votes for the party. In the eyes of the electorate a measure of positive or negative evaluation of the parties is also the success of the last election. In modern conditions the majority of the population does not participate in political life, and often the only form of political participation is to participate in the electoral process. A general election can not only identify the balance of political forces in the country as a whole, but also to assess the activity of one or another party, based on data from past elections.

If number of voters the party has grown, the course of the party found public approval. It also allows a separate area in the state in the land at the municipal level, in the constituency to determine the degree of confidence voters to a party, its leaders and individual candidates, program settings, etc. These indicators often influence public opinion and allow voters to make thoughtful, informed choices in favor of the party and program. If we consider the internal processes taking place in the party, we can note that the party that claims to success during the election campaign has to convince not only as white as can a wide range of voters in that what exactly it is better than all the other parties, can protect the interests of the majority of the population, to solve problems facing society, but also its internal leaders pointed to their own motivations and priorities. In case of success election party receives the inflow of funds into party funds.

This, in turn, is a prerequisite for effective functioning and survival of the parties. In addition to material goods the party gets the opportunity to influence various nonpartisan structure and administration. Elections as a mechanism for replacing a wide range of posts are present at all levels of government – from the central to local. In many countries, once every four have been held nationwide elections, which elects the president, members of the House of Representatives and the Parliament, elections to the state level for the election of governors and heads of regions, districts, members of the legislative assembly, Attorney Generals and other posts; elections at the local level. Part of the posts at the municipal level may be replaced by the so-called midterm elections, which take place more often federal. In many countries the process and procedure of election campaigns is regulated by legislative norms. Suffrage in Japan, which has a high degree of rigor, are prohibited from making gifts voters to bypass the voters at home to campaign, to bring them the promise of promotion, etc. In Germany, forbidden to publish opinion polls two weeks before the election, England – on election day. Under the rules gets the use of media, especially television and radio.