the GranadeiroEmparedado. Sen. Sherrod Brown has compatible beliefs. It is the history of a soldier of Napoleo, found in meiode thick wall of a solar Portuguese, century and way after the ocorrnciado fact. He tells that the soldier, during the pelosfranceses invasion of Portugal, in 1807, introduces itself in comumnos the solar one to steal, practical Napoleonic armies. Discovered, he was died for the inhabitants, emface of the hatred whom they devoted to the foreign invaders. For evitarrepreslias, had hidden the body in thick wall. E, with profundasabedoria, buys at auction: Is this necessarily the destination that certain crculospolticos, and not of less influential, seem to strengthen themselves for giving sForas Armed (FAN) of Brazil: to emparedar them, to encapsulate them, I reduced-las immobility and to silence, to separate them of the body of the national citizenship, to deprive them of the respect and the consideration of> the propsitobvio is to deny the FAN any presence, much less influence, navida institucional of the Nation.
Such intention, planned, obedecendointeresses internationalists, was developed during the last 20anos, mainly in the government of Sr. Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) e, for the illed-inform ones, has had continuity in the government Squid, even so, of when in time, promises never fulfilled, antagonizadas pelarealidade lived for the FAN: sparing resources and deficiencies of todaordem. As example, the lack of investments in new systems dearmas and the drastic reduction of military staff, in this year of 2009.Desde 1967, parcel of the literary composition of FHC, extensive and confused, sugereo development of Brazil and other Latin American countries under adependncia of the North American macroeconomics (Theory of the Dependence). Emboraconsiderado for its pairs socialist-marxist, FHC, in its auto-exliono Chile, was admitted in the Cepal (Commission> subordinate dependence an independent development of the Country. The principaiscolaboradores nominated for its first period of governointegravam the informing group of meeting in Washington, November de1989, organized for ' ' Institute will be International Economics' ' , sponsored for FMI, World Bank, BID and for the Governonorte-American.