Miguel Moratinos Countries

Spain was up to 2009 the biggest giver of resources for the FAO, with 45 million, and now intends to charge in return this aid that gave per years to the countries poor. In agreement still with international analysts and diplomats, Miguel Moratinos still has another advantage. As chancellor, kept contact with the high step of all the Europe, Middle East, Africa and still he can promote one crack in Latin America. Jose Graziano has its favor its resume. ‘ ‘ I wait that the remaining portion of countries of Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania votes in the candidate capable and with experience demonstrated to highest nvel’ ‘ , it in the interview affirmed.

However, little more than the one month of the elections for the position of director-generality of the Organization of United Nations for Agriculture and Alimentao (FAO), the minister of the Foreign affairs, Patriotic Antonio, was in Rome, where it defended the candidacy of the extraordinary former-minister of Alimentary Security and Combat to the Hunger Jose Graziano. In Rome, Patriot if congregated with the current director-generality of the agency, the Frenchman Jacques Diouf, and other authorities. Graziano also was present. The elections occur of 25 of June the 02 of July and will be made in some stages. The 191 foreign representatives in the agency have right vote and the mandate has duration of three years, going of 2012 up to 2015. Beyond Graziano, they are in the dispute for the direction-generality of the FAO five candidates: the Spanish former-chancellor Miguel Angel Moratinos, its competing greater to the position; the minister of the Agriculture of Austria, Franz Fischle; the vice-minister of the Social welfare of Indonesia, Indroyono Soesilo; the former-representative of the Anger in the FAO Mohammed Saeid Noori-Naeini; the former-minister of Hdricos Resources of Iraq, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid.

Jose Graziano is agronomist and university professor, and was the person in charge in the government of president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva to implant the Program Hunger Zero. The program is considered an international reference of income transference, alimentary security and reduction of the poverty. To if presenting in March the foreign ambassadors who live in Brazil, Graziano defended that the FAO if reorganizes internally to obtain to take faster and decentralized decisions. It also said that she is necessary to have as goal eradication of the hunger up to 2025. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, that is, the ORGANIZATION OF UNITED NATIONS FOR the FEEDING AND AGRICULTURE (FAO), was established in 1945 and has as primordial function to provide and to increase the levels of nutrition and the quality of life of the world-wide population, as well as improving the productivity of agriculture and giving better conditions of life to the agricultural populations. However, the specific priority of the organization is the incentive and aid to the sub-existence agriculture and the development agricultural, as well as the strategies in the long run of maintenance of the natural resources through appropriate and economic and socially viable techniques. These objectives are gotten by means of the aconselhamento to the governments of the filiados countries to the ONU. In addition, the related entity of the assistance to the development, searches and supply of information to the countries.