The expert report of the Doctor-Legal Institute, one more time would certify as cause suicide, having been one more time signed for the doctor-legal expert Harry Chibata, who later would come to be punished by the Advice of Medicine of So Paulo for false representation. At this Geisel moment more it could not tolerate cruel acts of torture and deaths in the validity of its government come to come out then as the confrontation opened between Geisel and the call ' ' line dura' ' to militate. The president did not titubeou at no moment? today the Party Of the Workers that conquered for 3 time the presidency of the Republic through its candidate Dilma Rousseff would have to make a great homage while still while still alive, in the person of its son, Lucy Geisel, to president Geisel with the biggest decoration that exists in the country – it travelled immediately for So Paulo and, of surprise in canetada only and with unusual rapidity, it relieved general Ednardo D? Avila of the command of II the Army, nominating in its place general Dilermando Gomes Hunter to substitute it. For force of this, having safe information that were in course a military blow for dep it of the government president Geisel it makes a deep change in the intermediate steps of the Armed Forces with the assignment for commands of regiments, brigades and divisions hosted in the area of II the Army of entirely on officers it, as general Jose Fragomeni – that Division of Army would assume the command of 2, general Fernando Guimares de Cerqueira Rasp that would be assigned person for 12 Brigade of Infantry, headquartered in Caapava in the Rio Grande Do Sul, and general Gustavo de Morais I water that 11 would pass commanding Brigade of Armored Infantry, with headquarters in Campinas, region of the great So Paulo.