German Commune

The fort of Issy was evacuated (08/05); this provoked a treason accusation cascade and incompetence. In day 10 France signed the peace accord with the Prssia; the way for the complete wall of the city was opened. From then on more serious the internal disputes are each time. In 22/05 the versalhesas troops had opened a breach in the walls of Paris, and start to advance quickly, facing only sporadical resistance. A group of women, petroleuses, adopts guerrilla tactics, setting on fire houses to delay the enemy advance. In retaliation for the slaughter promoted for the versalheses, the Commune executes arcebipo of Paris and five clergymen (24/05). The two sides practise bloodier excesses each time.

The last barricade falls in 28 of May. Versailles lost 877 soldiers during the wall and occupation of Paris; the Commune lost 3,500 combatants. But in the razia practised in the city after the occupation had 17,000 deaths in 15 days About 35.000 prisoners the chainses had been ranks in ships in the coast of Britain. A total of 4.500 of them had been banished for New Calednia. A new constitution was promulgated in 04/09; Thiers soon fell after the 1873 elections.

It was cogitated for long time of the restoration of the monarchy; after all conservative took advantage a republican system. The reflection on the defeat for the Prssia and the excesses of the Commune produced conclusions interesting: some had remembered the theories of conde of Gobineau on the racial enfraquecidfmento due to miscegenation. The German doctor Karls Starck detached the moral dissolution, alcoholism and the sexual desregramento as causes of the failure. Between 1870 and 1875 he had intense repression against prostitution; laws against you inebriate had been instituted in 1873. In the same year it was approved construction of a new basilica catholic in Paris, the Sacre-Coeur. One where of religious enthusiasm it was spread for the parents; the peregrinations in mass the Lourdes had become common. The State increased e, 3,5 million Francs the paid subsidy to the church catholic, a rigorous religious education in the schools was instituted, and new universities catholics had been created. Workmanships that make compliments to the Commune alone go to be seen in France from 1886. The conclusion of the author is conflicting: although it has conceived the narrative from the one idea ' ' Paris entidade' ' , endowed with will and proper identities, forged for all its inhabitants, this questioned one becomes questionable from the proper narrative. Paris appears much more as a barulhenta and confused multiplicity, pointing with respect to a thousand different directions. A caleidoscpio varied and contradictory of wealth, tyranny, decay, revolution, badly generalized, melancholy, everything this constituting a terrible indivisibility.