Estocolmo Development

However, in a discovery recent, if compared with the age of the planet, the human being understood that the water, air, the ground, the fauna and the flora consist of finite resources in amount and quality. It was thinking about this problem that appeared the idea of a consumption system and sustainable development, represented for the use conciente of the natural resources in the satisfaction of our necessities, preventing the comprometimento of the survival of the future generations. The sustainable development spread out for the world with corresponding speed to the necessity human being to preserve the environment, and soon it passed to be argued as requisite for the existence of the human being in the planet. The Conference of Estocolmo and the Conference of United Nations on Environment and the Development – ECHO 92, represents a landmark in the implantation of programs of sustainable development for the world. From these two meetings, the subject not only passed to be argued as a future project, but as a necessary and desired reality in such a way for groups militant of protection to the nature, but for leaders world-wide politicians, great companies and all the society.

As it could not leave of being, the sustainable development became white of world-wide the legal system, when diverse laws regulating the subject had been instituted, with special importance to Agenda 21. The first step of the Brazilian legislation, in this direction occurred with the creation of Agenda 21 Brazilian, from there, diverse norms had been created. According to article 02, of the Law of the SNUC, the sustainable use consists of: ‘ ‘ (…) exploration of the way environment to guarantee the perenidade of the environmental resources you renewed and the ecological processes, keeping ecological biodiversity and the too much attributes, of form socially economically viable joust and; ‘ ‘ Thus, diverse programs had appeared of national, state implantation and municipal of the sustainable development they had been appearing. Refletetindo clearly the application of the old popular jargon: to know to use for never to lack. this does not demand a great effort, only more attention with what it is to our redor, in our environment. It is enough to make a small reflection on as we act and as we must act. Bibliographical references ANTUNES, Pablo de Bessa.

Enviromental law. 6 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Ed. Lumen Juries, 2002. FIORILLO, Celso Antonio Pacheco. Course of Brazilian enviromental law. 3 ed. So Paulo: Hail, 2002. FREITAS, Vladimir Steps of. The Federal Constitution and the effectiveness of the ambient norms. 2 ed. So Paulo: Reviewed Ed. of the Courts, 2002. MILAR, Councilmen. Right of the environment. 2 ed. So Paulo: Publishing company RT, 2001. PHILIPPI. & Alves. B.C., 2005. Course to interdisciplinar of Enviromental law ambient Collection. So Paulo. Manole publishing company. RICKELFS, R.E., 2001. The Economy of the Nature. Rio De Janeiro. Guanabara Koogan (5). ROCK. . The M. of, 2005. Minidicionrio of the Portuguese Language. So Paulo.