State Politics

Thematic Quarrel of the draft of the Decree the State Politics of Ambient Education will queinstituir. Objective Systemize, to socialize and to approve aspropostas of construction of the draft of the State Politics of Ambient Education noque if relates to the ones of crimes and infractions against the practical Environment and deEA. Material of Reference Politics and National Program deEA; Ambient legislation. Duration 8 hours 4.2.3- GT Ambient Education Mediating enterprise segment Geraldo Chapel; Creuza Rezende; Alex de S; Fernando White Public Ribeiro Companies Installed in the Amap. Thematic Quarrel of the draft of the Decree will queinstituir the State Politics of Ambient Education. Objective Systemize, to socialize and to approve aspropostas of construction of the draft of the State Politics of Ambient Education noque if relates the socioambientais responsibilities of the ambient frenteaosimpactos companies caused by its enterprises. Material of Reference Politics and National Program deEA; Ambient legislation; Laws of Responsibility Social. Duration 8 hours 4.2.4- GT Ambient Education segment of 3 sector Mediating Marta Carmo Brito; John Kennedy Saucers; Dimitrius Gabriel; Jose White Airton Soares Public Entities of 3 Sector installed noAmap.

Thematic Quarrel of the draft of the Decree will queinstituir the State Politics of Ambient Education. Objective Systemize, to socialize and to approve aspropostas of construction of the draft of the State Politics of Ambient Education noque if relates the systematization of the joint of the EA in the Amap, as well as suaaplicabilidade as public politics. Material of Reference Politics and National Program deEA; Ambient legislation; Laws of Social Responsibility. Duration 8 hours 4.2.5- GT Ambient Education segmentoinstituies of education and Mediating research Marcelino Guedes Sheep; GonalvesRomero Maria; Janilce Public Da Silva White University; Facultieses; state eInstituies and Federal of Research. Thematic Quarrel of the draft of Decree will queinstituir the State Politics of Ambient Education. Objective Systemize, to socialize and to approve aspropostas of construction of the draft of the State Politics of Ambient Education noque if relates to the evidenciao and promotion of the practical ones in the education and the research deelementos of EA.