In the same way that financial capital has been defined ('you have'), intellectual capital ('what you do') and social capital ('with whom you associate'), psychological capital mean by 'how are you', ie, the set of positive characteristics of personality that we deploy in our professional lives. Into the service of work contexts, these features can make a difference in the results being achieved. In particular, we speak of will (motivation towards the realization of a goal), unrealistic optimism (confidence in the positive resolution of future events), resilience (ability to cope with adverse or hazardous conditions hold) and confidence (security in their own capabilities to achieve Adds proposed goals for Simon on the subject, that studies so far show a relationship between the level of professional psychological capital and their performance in the company. Especially in modern times it is clear that people who own large dose of resilience and realistic optimism will be more prepared to face times of uncertainty or adverse circumstances. In this sense, IE School of Psychology we are initiating a study with the student network of IE on the relationship between their psychological capital and its successful management career. Similarly, the combination of traits such as increased confidence will and perseverance in achieving objectives. In addition, people who own visions tend to generate more long-term business, which is an important feature for achieving sustainability, one of the great aspirations of businesses today. Consider Simon again indicates that the model of psychological capital is very recent, and therefore we can not yet make a fine adjustment on the measurement of each of its components or its ideal balance.