Portuguese Language

In this context, the elaboration of a joint strategy for the Seas of the Lusofonia constitutes an indispensable instrument in the definition of the politics and the strategies for the oceans, appearing as a natural and necessary process of assumpo and consolidation of common and considered objectivos of the biggest importance for the development of each State-member and of the organization. You unite on-line with the orientaes politics, the Cabinet of the CPLP determined in November of 2007 that ' ' concertao of efforts between the countries of the CPLP in the direction of the elaboration of an integrated vision, with sight to promote the sustainable development of the oceanic spaces under its respective national jurisdictions, also by means of the international cooperation ' '. The main ones was thus definite (first) orientaes for the Community in the direction to be widened, in a next future, the domnios of the cooperation for problematic of the sea, representing the first formal act of this ' ' nova' ' strategical orientation. The approach politics in the scope of the subjects of the sea between countries of the Community has had place in some areas and for diverse occasions, of that the Conferences of the Ministers of Pescas of the CPLP, the I Symposium of the Navies of the Countries of Portuguese Language, the I Meeting of Ports of the CPLP (Leixes, Portugal – 2008) and the II are example Meeting of Ports of the CPLP ($fortaleza, Brazil? December of 2009). Perhaps however, it lacked to a politician-strategical vision for the Seas of the Lusofonia and a bigger public quarrel in the seio of the State-members, on the importance of the Seas and the necessity of if defining a common maritime strategy. Congregated in the Executive Secretaryship of the CPLP, in Lisbon, in 8 of July of 2009, the Focal Points for the Strategy of the CPLP for the Oceans they had debated projecto of this Strategy, whose redaco if resembles more to a declaration of intentions, of what to a strategy of institucional scope, therefore not yet it made use of delineated projectos, with concrete and possible objectivos to evaluate in data secular space.