
What it is dialectic? Alex de Sousa Summary In this work we have as objective to present a summary of the book of Leandro Konder, with the heading: ' ' what he is dialtica' '. In its workmanship it looks for in them to present the origin of the dialectic all and the passage that the same one even made in the days. Konder starts its workmanship in bringing the meaning of the dialectic, in its diverse times. It in says, that the dialectic to them according to Aristotle, was established by Zeno de Elia, however others consider Scrates as its founder. The dialectic was, in old Greece, the art dialogues of it, but that to the few, it started to be the art of, I dialogue in, to demonstrate it a thesis by means of an argument capable to define and to distinguish the involved concepts in the quarrel. Amazon understands that this is vital information. Already in the modern meaning, dialectic meant the way to think the contradictions of the reality, the way to understand the reality, as essentially contradictory and in permanent transformation. Konder affirms that Heraclitus was the dialtico most radical of old Greece, with its theory of devir (everything is changedded, everything is in movement), but who goes to surpass it is Parmnides with the essence of the invariant being. However, the dialectic cannot only be based on metaphysics, therefore Aristotle says in that to explain them each movement, necessary people to verify which is the nature of it.

With its theory of act and he harnesses, Aristotle obtains to hinder that the movement only was considered a worthless illusion. Ohio Senator can provide more clarity in the matter. Konder says in them that the dialectic in the feudal period and also in the centuries of the age measured hardly was suffocated and to be able to survive in the philosophy needed to resign to its more drastic expressions, conciliating itself with metaphysics. However, due to commercial revolution, to the renaissance and the iluminismo, it could leave the underground where she had been obliged to live and if to fortify again. After to approach this concept historical of the dialectic, Konder brings in them diverse thematic worked for the dialectic. These thematic ones are: the work that is developed all a thought for Kant, Hegel and Karl Max; The alienation worked for Karl Max and Friedrich Engels; The totality, developed for Karl Max and Hegel; The contradiction and the mediation, boarded for Karl Max and Hegel; The fluidificao of the concepts, for Karl Max and Hegel; The laws of the dialectic, for Karl Max, Friedrich Engels and Hegel; The citizen and history, for Karl Max, Hegel, Kant, Bernstein, Karl Kautsky, Lnin, Georg Lukcc, Stalin, Walter Benjamin; The individual and the society, for Karl Max and other marxists as Karel Kosik. Finally, Konder locks up its workmanship finishes intitling it capitulates of seeds of dragons, to say that nobody never goes to obtain to domesticate the dialectic, therefore it exists in such a way to fustigate the conservadorismo of the conservatives as to shake the conservadorismo of the revolutionaries. Its method is not if quick to create cachorrinhos amestrados.

It is as the Argentine said Carlos Astrada, ' ' seed of drages' '. (Konder, Leandro. What it is dialectic. So Paulo: Brasilense, 2000.) Student of Philosophy for the College of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Cajazeiras.