Tool Management

Transparent resource management in all areas – no problem thanks to the “WDB – tool database”. Pontoon and Wittmann diving are Wittmann the competent contact persons and experts from northern Germany, when it comes to the rental of pontoons or underwater work of all kinds. Looking for a suitable bearing software to manage the materials, equipment and machinery of both companies you became aware the software “WDB – tool databases’ Leipzig company Auerbach IT. When selecting a suitable application was placed great value on that future software for the management of resources is clearly structured and clear, there should be no unnecessary functions. Central Romana Corporation wanted to know more. In addition the following requirements should be met: – simple traceability, where devices in use were – overview, when repairs to the tool have been incurred – overview, when maintenance is due and – ability to define data sheets etc. on the tool offers the tool management software of firm Auerbach IT next to one of several ways to define the various documents on a tool detailed permission management and analysis features. Also dates for each tool can be attached, which can be integrated into the calendar of the respective used E-Mail program even automatically – so guarantees no pending maintenance date is forgotten. With the integrated usage and repair management “WDB – tool database” could the requirement criteria are fulfilled so that you at Wittmann pontoon and Wittmann diving ultimately decided to implement the software in both companies..

Continum AG

Continum AG with proven tips for the range of Freiburg, November 23, 2009 – according to a recent survey of the Freiburg hosting provider continum AG more and more medium-sized and large companies tend to give their backup data into the care of a provider. Follow this particularly economic motives and a relief of internal resources. Continum consultants noticed however, that companies in their selection processes of backup services often develop a to unclear requirements. Hawaii Senator is likely to agree. The typical mistakes with some far-reaching consequences are from a practical perspective of the consultants in particular: 1 data transfer without VPN: access to the online backup server and the customer Web interface must be limited to a closed user group, what the use of VPN (virtual private network) makes it necessary. This helps prevent denial-of-service attacks or unauthorized login attempts via the public Internet to the backup server. Without VPN transmission of data is also encrypted the, but Online backup server itself is still visible to the whole world. This represents a critical security hole for the user.

2. it is not taken to fully automated data backup processes: an online backup is only makes sense in terms of efficiency, if the user on the one hand can make the backup on the systems of the hosting partner at arbitrary times, is a fully automated service but at the same time also. This is for backup on the user’s client as well as for access to the stored data in case of a necessary data recovery. 3. insurers and re-backup only online possible: For small amounts of data the first fuse at contract start date or back backups take place during the contract term usefully always online. With large amount of data, the user must have the flexibility, medium (E.g. disk encrypted on USB) perform the initial backup of data to an offsite, and to be able to submit a hosting partner to transfer to the backup server.

IT Portal SelectIT4 New Look

The interactive portal for software, services and documents grows hesel, March 14, 2011 – since the beginning of March, the IT portal selectIT4 new look presents itself! With new design and an extended service portfolio, now presents the interactive business portal for provider of software products, services, and IT documents. selectIT4 delivers holistic corporate and performance profiles, references and relevant media and press releases of the provider over precise search options. We want to create an integrated platform with selectIT4, where can the IT companies holistic really present themselves and inform potential buyers. selectIT4 is no software selection platform in the classical sense, but relies on a holistic communication and presentation in addition to modern research tools”, according to Managing Director Uwe Mendera visibly satisfied. The next communication tool, is already in development. So, selectIT4 in the 2nd quarter offers a microblogging: the business: talk.

IT companies can inform in brief, which comprises 140 characters, short news (talks) about your products, services or promotions! The business: Talk is also available to registered users. So, we offer our clients a portfolio of services that is offered in this form with the synergies in any other portal”, as Maha next. IT companies can test selectIT4 free of charge 30 days to convince yourself of the IT portal. In addition, selectIT4 currently offers a large special action for software vendors. So the company optimally and their needs can present themselves, different product packages for software vendors and IT service providers are available. There are packages for startups and small businesses, to medium-sized and large enterprises. In addition to the possibilities offered by selectIT4 for issuing IT companies, there are a number of free services for registered users. The functionality for selectIT4 users are quite something Special.

We can offer also the Member search and a business network in addition to powerful search capabilities for software solutions, services and documents. The selectIT4-user can operate a sustainable networking and so business relationships, and expand. In addition, we use selectIT4: mail an integrated mail system and in addition a task management with reminders function available, so that the portal activities can be controlled by the subjects. A next highlight followed promptly with the Busines: talk. We extend our high-quality and free services for selectIT4 user continuously”finally explained managing director. From mid-March onwards, selectIT4 launches social commitment – program.

Statements At The CeBIT 2010

The CeBIT 2010 ended with a slight increase in the number of visitors. Overall, 334 000 visitors at the exhibition grounds in Hanover were greeted at the five days of the event. Until the Saturday evening of the CeBIT 2009, 322 000 people had attended the event. Thus increased the number of visitors in the five-day comparison to 3.7 percent. The exhibitors from the ECM drew a very positive conclusion.

Here are some statements about the course of the fair. Read more here: Connecticut Senator. Henner of Banck, Managing Director of the VOI Association for organization and information systems: this year’s CeBIT has managed the turnaround to a real business-to-business exhibition. Our members and we felt significantly more visitors than in the past on all days of the fair. Thanks also to the Deutsche Messe AG, with whose support it is managed that the Hall 3 to a developed ECM Hall.” Thomas Zellmann, head marketing working group of the PDF/A competence center: have we achieved our goals with the presence at CeBIT, more awareness around PDF/A to provide and promote cooperation. Many visitors from home and abroad this year used our work pillars at the booth of our partner, the VOI to learn about applications and benefits of PDF/A.

Moreover, the opportunity to lead talks on cooperation with European associations arose for us during the fair.” Peter Seiler, head of corporate communications and human resources of the GID GmbH: CeBIT was a very good platform for us to show our entire solutions portfolio and to accelerate cross-selling transactions. We have held numerous, substantial talks. For assistance, try visiting Sen. Sherrod Brown. It turned out, that an intensive preparations with follow-up actions is essential to achieve the potential visitors.” Carsten Heiermann, CEO of LurTech Europe GmbH: We are very interested in the topic, automation of document receipt ‘ found at the CeBIT visitors. Many companies came with the idea of a centrally controllable Production environment for document processing to us approach. With our new product, DocYard we could show that this vision is already a reality.” Bernd Klee, CEO of PoINT Software & Systems GmbH: we take an absolutely positive conclusion at the CeBIT 2010. Last year the visitors used the fair in the first place, to find out about new products or to assess alternative concepts. This year, a much greater willingness was felt to invest in solutions. We could carry numerous concrete project discussions, which make us confident for follow-up.” Dr. Michael Duhme, spokesman of the windream GmbH: we very much welcome the orientation of the CeBIT trade fair with real business-to-business character. With the course of the fair, we are satisfied, especially since the response of the visitors was good. We hope that this positive trend will continue in the coming years and the B2B area further profiled.”