Scientific Electronic Library Online

It is known of the importance in the efetivao of the public politics to the special carriers of necessities, and to recognize them is ' ' to make diferena' ' in the process to include. From this the question that permeia this research is: Which the public politics of inclusion of the individuals with necessities special in the Rio Grande Do Sul? Under such perspective this study they have as objective to know which they are the public politics of inclusion of the individuals with necessities special in the Rio Grande Do Sul, identifying what the State offers in the areas of the intersetoriais public politics for the inclusion of INE in the social context. METHODOLOGY Is about a theoretical reflection carried through in the database of Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) in the period of 2007 the 2011 and in the normative ones, you would carry and laws that prevail in the attention to the INE. On such aspect, Wazlawick (2009), it detaches that the bibliographical revision is a knowledge area or aspect of a knowledge area that if desires to investigate and to develop, thus can be said that it is the area in which if it goes to work. In the SCIELO, they had been used following the word-key: public politics and inclusion, being that as inclusion criterion the summaries would have to contemplate for election the intersetoriais politics and individuals with special necessities as subject in the period between 2007 and 2011. After established the inclusion criteria the research in the SCIELO was divided at three moments: first 1momento – it was become fullfilled searchs it of the summaries for the word-key; 2 moment – the research with the delimitation in the period between 2007 and 2011 was become fullfilled; 3 moment – those had been selected that contemplated the individuals with necessities special in the intersetoriais public politics.