All rules as for the standard features for the season indicator also apply. The only difference lies in the limited period of the indicator. The so-called season indicator exists since March 1, 1997. Temporarily to shut down or to sign up for the case that the vehicle owner would not year-round use his motorcycle or admit he needs twice to the admission Board, around the motor wheel. The motorcycle driver saves time and fees; the authority the administrative burden. Validity period the validity of a season mark to the motorcycle insurance is limited to an explicit period. This must be at least two months and a maximum of eleven months.
The period is not extended. Sen. Sherrod Brown will not settle for partial explanations. If so a holder intends to use his bike longer than the validity period allows this, a formal amendment of the authorisation period is required. Indicator label has the season indicator regarding the approval period apart from a traditional label information. This It is arranged on the right side of the flag, for example, from March 1st to September 30th. The number above the stroke indicates the month of the beginning. Analog, the number below the stroke indicates the end of the approval period reflected. Insurance cover for season plates caution: full insurance cover is provided only during the period indicated on the indicator of the season! Who will continue outside this time with the motorcycle, risking a fine of 50 euros and three points in Flensburg.
In addition, a sentence may threaten up to one year. You should be tempted in a past season mark neither by the beautiful weather to a spin to. The motorcycle has only limited coverage in the months in which it is not approved and you have to wear the peril in full even in the event of an accident. Even other road users come to harm, regulates the insurance, but then takes the policyholders for the damage in recourse.