Car Rentals

To what extent would like to sometimes sweet life. Directly rather precarious activity, which are full of all the elite periodicals, and much of the personas of other social strata are not allowed entry. Or there is in this light. And in truth, this glamorous class of today is not a closed elite. Everyone can appreciate it, in other words, the flavor and color. There are likely to present themselves in reality a 'person of glamorous society ', and to be actually a bit: the one to buy, at least for a time, a set of elements of the image. For example, a car rental.

Only a relatively car the other day was a unattainable illusion unrelated to reality. If you have read about Richard Blumenthal already – you may have come to the same conclusion. But today the car at the most important event in the individual life to be able to hire every citizen. And it is true, the dream may be contacted with the real world: there is a will and striving for it. Most of all, it is clear, cars pay for marriage. It argued: for the wedding itself and the triumph of the improbable and incredible. In particular, if it happens the first time. In any kind of car rental is opportunity to begin to feel not only require almost all the best, but really the illusion. Everyone strives to feel like perhaps better to look in the main periods life extremely well.

To himself and was not bitter, and people had to look at that. Young persons who have a different life, always started with a dream, in order to move it to anything. Reality is not necessarily a holiday, but the festival should be one hundred percent. Including more than that – the heavier the weekdays, the more original than the holidays. The better they will remain in memory. A person is important to feel festivities pretty impressive – if he feels life is very happy. And solve the complexity, as well as every citizen happy – simple, stress-free and more intense. The perfect wedding dress for the bride and groom's suit, rings, flowers – all this, of course, extremely significant and this is difficult without all the wires. In addition, you can still something that can not cause these costs, as honey on a tropical island vacation. And in particular – to cause a car. Naiprekrasneyshy grand limousine. Let a few hours – but feel tycoon, king, president. Enter into a new reality in practice find themselves at the proper level. But not in vain in the people believe, how you start and you will live on. And it's not just for some astronomical year, but the whole of reality.


It came suddenly, and of course very surprised not only beginners but also experienced drivers. SDA – a legal act, which recently came under the gaze of local politicians and was very much changed. Well, ignorance of the next edition of the rules does not exempt, as is known, from responsibility, so let's get down to study them. Perhaps representatives of the people in what is right, but such a radical change in the SDA gives birth dissatisfaction. Concepts – click the SDA, which podvergnulsya comprehensive editing. Of course to start with, the definition of 'Anticipation', 'limited visibility', 'Obstacle' after a long existence uncertainties were finally introduced. As for overtaking, the amendments also affected him. To date, overtaking is only a maneuver that involves travel to the oncoming, and everything else will be called ahead of schedule.

Not leave aside the additions and respected owners to traffic police. They are now getting closer to the people and, as do all others, should always wear seat when traveling. Vans with sirens included now have more authority in a way even for pedestrians, which will be mandatory to release the road do not hesitate for a moment. With regard to entry into the opposite side of the road for four-lane roads, the New rules allow him to perform, though it concerns only a reversal. Overtake on the wrong side of the rules is not allowed.

Did not pass the amendment and how to use headlights. Laid while driving always keep our lights included. It should be noted that if your car is somehow forced to move medelnee than thirty km / h, all the other passing car on your machine will have an advantage and they need it provide. At this permit to complete the note. I think that the above information you will rescue more than once while driving.

Russian Constitution

The idea of time – society and government, the government of the people?. Currently in Russia, one of the most accessible expressions of opinion is the Internet. Social networks and resources such as Youtube and Twitter are filled with all sorts of messages about misconduct of the authorities and the Ministry of Interior. One of the most objective and comprehensive in its informative source of information is the video (visual / audio information). Having at our disposal DVR, always armed citizen and memorializing everything happening around him. The benefit of the Russian Constitution guarantees the legitimacy of the collection of information that applies to you as an individual. Thought two – Debriefing. Video recording is one of the most complete evidence for the analysis of controversial situations in the traffic police and judicial matters.

The legality of videos prescribed in Articles 77 and 185 of the Civil Procedure Code. The idea of three types and types There are several types of DVR Car DVR. Initially, Car DVR were bulky devices that produce a record of information on computer hard disk drive (HDD), equipped with special shock-absorbing mounts that put out the vibration from the road. With the development of storage devices, car DVR (DVR) to minimize and record video to learn removable memory cards. Mobile DVR recording onto removable media (flash cards) are the simplest to build, easy to use, and cheaper fixed DVR. On top of most models is built-in battery (as in phone) and it can be used outside the car as a mobile device videofiksiruyuschee. The idea of four – a pleasure dear DVR? Prices for mobile car DVRs ranges vary from 2 – 10 tr The difference in price depends on the characteristics of the device itself, the most important of which are: angle of view, hardware resolution video, the presence of the display and so on.

Sample return the DVR: – Dispute with traffic police on the fact that you do not miss a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing. The amount of the penalty of the offense is regulated by the Administrative Code 800 – 1000 p. One has only to video review and decide the dispute, at least, this is the proof of his innocence, in other instances (if you really respect the SDA). – Who is to blame accidents. In most cases, one with DVR one camera is sufficient for recording of road conditions and the very moment of an accident. – Other benefits, see the youtube!