The exportations of Bolivia for Brazil had reached US$ 333 millions and the main exported products had been the natural gas, raw oil, beanses and combustible oil. The importations proceeding from Brazil had added US$ 390 million and had been composed of manufactures of iron and steel, equipment and scheme, paper and cardboard, plastics, automobiles, foods and txteis, among others. The deceleration in the taxes of growth and the consequent increase in the unemployment, since year 2000, has pressured the fabric social, provoking politician-institucional instability and questioning of aspects of the model of market economy. For in such a way, it also contributes the relative success of the politics of eradication of the cocaine and its favorable impact in the informal economy. 2.1.1 geography of Bolivia Is considered that Bolivia is the heart of the South America, since the country is located almost in the center of the continent.
The west with Peru has border, to the north and the east with the Federative Republic of Brazil, to the south with Argentina, the Southeast with Paraguay and to southwest with Chile. Its official name is Republic of Bolivia and its independence was in 6 of August of 1825. With the surface of 1.098.581 km, the country is divided in 09 states, 112 provinces, 1,384 cities and 312 administrative regions. The Constitutional Capital is Sucre in the state of Chuquisaca and the Seat of government is the woollen city Peace, in the woollen state Peace. The main cities of Bolivia how much to the population and economic activity they are La Paz, High El, woollen Cochabamba and Santa Cruz Sierra. 2.1.2 organization politics and commercial agreements of Bolivia Bolivia has a unitary, democratic, multinational government and multilnge, consisting of three to be able independent: the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary Power. The Executive is composed for the President, the Vice-president and the Cabinet of Ministers.