The Brazilian people in the month of passed October, was protagonist of a great party, when thousand of people of the most diverse and distant cantos of the country, had been the ballot boxes to choose the governors of its states, its state deputies and federal e, senators and its bigger governor the President of the Republic; for this position voting two times: in first and according to turn, eight states had also voted to choose its governors in as the turn and the federal District: AP, GO, PB, Par, PI, RO, RR, AL and DF; the too much Brazilian states had chosen its governors in first turn. In Brazil, as the turn it happens, because in the effective electoral legislation the candidate consists that only he is considered elect in the states and the cities where the number of voters is superior 200 a thousand, when the Mayor, governor or President of the Republic obtains to get 50% plus one of the valid votes, that is, the half plus one, and this nor always happens in first turn, as in some states and federal district b in as in the election for President of the Republic, this requirement was not filled, from there, the turn as necessity, that happened of spontaneous and very expressive form. Although the vote in Brazil to be obligator, for who has above of 18 years and minor of 70 and of terms registered an abstention of approximately 30 million voters, the party was pretty and full of emotions and patriotism and this we cannot deny, therefore, in the streets, the assemblies and the walks the people showed its will to participate, making to be valid its vote, valuing its participation in the democratic process; showing to its flags and its colors and its disposal to participate of the lawsuit. I want to leave registered a fact that took off a little the brightness of the party of the Brazilian democracy in this election and to affirm that exactly thus, this party never will be forgotten by having been a moment where the people was to the streets in mass to show that if he interests for the future of our country, exactly that for distinct reasons, but if perceived the will of a great part of the population to express its right to opt to its parties, its candidates or its ideologies.