Tito Figueroa

We present in this videoarticulo Tito Figueroa, a well-known lecturer in the field of personal growth. Many writers such as Charles B. Rangel offer more in-depth analysis. We analyze the collective of the concept of money, wealth and personal economically speaking accomplishments and generally unconscious in this Conference. for centuries the dominators of the world have promoted the idea that money is bad, that possession of money is negative and goes against God. Todabia today maintains that misconception that money you away from God. This Conference will try on the consciousness of wealth, the financial consciousness we all have right to see, get and practice. Add to your understanding with Sen. Sherrod Brown. We may also obtain practical advice of Tito Figueroa on how to do business on the Internet. Consciousness of wealth is the full conviction both conscious and unconscious level, of our legitimate and universal right to be abundant in the most important areas of our lives. On many occasions we have cognitive dissonance, moments in which unconscious level began to connect with certain belief.

But we have been dragging, from our past, our culture, our family custom, beliefs that are intrinsic in our unconscious, for example that the money level is bad. This occupies an important place in our psyche, in our mind, in our unconscious coletivo and constitutes a negative attraction. The domain of the masses has always been controlled by control of information. It is not true that money will be difficult to achieve, or which is not either negative to possess it. Money is neither positive nor negative but that the way in which it is used is what gives the character. Use it well is the right thing.It starts by assimilating globally conscious and unconscious, that there is enough money for everyone in the world in which we live, and that just have to discover the means or mechanisms to gain access to him. We have enough as a human power access to wealth, either abundance in health, abundance of self-esteem, riches financial because the universe is abundant by itself.