German Commune

The fort of Issy was evacuated (08/05); this provoked a treason accusation cascade and incompetence. In day 10 France signed the peace accord with the Prssia; the way for the complete wall of the city was opened. From then on more serious the internal disputes are each time. In 22/05 the versalhesas troops had opened a breach in the walls of Paris, and start to advance quickly, facing only sporadical resistance. A group of women, petroleuses, adopts guerrilla tactics, setting on fire houses to delay the enemy advance. In retaliation for the slaughter promoted for the versalheses, the Commune executes arcebipo of Paris and five clergymen (24/05). The two sides practise bloodier excesses each time.

The last barricade falls in 28 of May. Versailles lost 877 soldiers during the wall and occupation of Paris; the Commune lost 3,500 combatants. But in the razia practised in the city after the occupation had 17,000 deaths in 15 days About 35.000 prisoners the chainses had been ranks in ships in the coast of Britain. A total of 4.500 of them had been banished for New Calednia. A new constitution was promulgated in 04/09; Thiers soon fell after the 1873 elections.

It was cogitated for long time of the restoration of the monarchy; after all conservative took advantage a republican system. The reflection on the defeat for the Prssia and the excesses of the Commune produced conclusions interesting: some had remembered the theories of conde of Gobineau on the racial enfraquecidfmento due to miscegenation. The German doctor Karls Starck detached the moral dissolution, alcoholism and the sexual desregramento as causes of the failure. Between 1870 and 1875 he had intense repression against prostitution; laws against you inebriate had been instituted in 1873. In the same year it was approved construction of a new basilica catholic in Paris, the Sacre-Coeur. One where of religious enthusiasm it was spread for the parents; the peregrinations in mass the Lourdes had become common. The State increased e, 3,5 million Francs the paid subsidy to the church catholic, a rigorous religious education in the schools was instituted, and new universities catholics had been created. Workmanships that make compliments to the Commune alone go to be seen in France from 1886. The conclusion of the author is conflicting: although it has conceived the narrative from the one idea ' ' Paris entidade' ' , endowed with will and proper identities, forged for all its inhabitants, this questioned one becomes questionable from the proper narrative. Paris appears much more as a barulhenta and confused multiplicity, pointing with respect to a thousand different directions. A caleidoscpio varied and contradictory of wealth, tyranny, decay, revolution, badly generalized, melancholy, everything this constituting a terrible indivisibility.

Brigadier General Francisco Xavier

In 7 of August, the electoral college was convoked, having been elect lieutenant-colonel Joaquin Xavier Snows for president and the priest Vicente Blacksmith Dos Santos Lamb for vice. Xavier Snows was blocked by the imperial forces in Is Jose and the priest Vicente Lamb assumed the presidency. Farroupilhas had pursued the imperial troops for about 70 kilometers until the plain of the river Maciambu, but they had been contained by a trench of the imperial ones protected by the Mount of the Horses, that the attack blocked the Deportation, today Florianpolis. In 31 of October, one escuna and a large boat farroupilhas had captured the sumaca Elvira Owner, but the cannons of the ortaleza of the bar of had made them to Paranagu to retrocede. The large boat for being weighed was captured by a motor boat with twenty men commanded for 2 second lieutenant Manuel Antonio Days, while escudo escaped northward.

The tatters had returned to the Rio Grande Do Sul and, to retake Lages, the imperial government sent Brigadier General Francisco Xavier of the Wedge with a contingent of 1500 men of Rio De Janeiro, Curitiba, Paranagu, Antonina and Field of the Lieutenant, who had congregated itself in Black River, had camped in Ceclia Saint, in 25 of October, with the objective to retake Lages and to fight tatters in the wall the Porto Alegre. For the New Curitibanos Fields and Fields, fighting poles farroupilhas, in November, had retaken the village of Lages and a part of the column of Brigadier General Francisco Xavier of the Wedge followed for the River Pellets. The Brigadier General was informed of that the tatters if congregated in a customs rank to charge taxes on cattle and mules of Viamo for Sorocaba, in the customs warehouse in Vitria Saint, and for was directed there with two a thousand men, but was surprised by Teixeira Nunes, in 14 of December, whom the imperial troop divided, defeating it.

French National Committee

After the Nazi occupation of France Defeated fallen on hard times. Two-thirds of French territory had been occupied by German troops. Being under the yoke of Nazi occupation, the freedom-loving French people do not ceased to struggle against them. To finally break the will of the French people to resist, the German fascist occupation forces and the Vichy government established in France, the bloody regime of violence. They cover the country concentration camps, driven into the underground all democratic organizations, fire and sword to suppress the slightest manifestation of discontent with the Hitler 'new order'.

The French people could not tolerate a situation. He all actively involved in the struggle for freedom of France, for the triumph of democracy. The heroic struggle of the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany intensified resistance to the French people of German-fascist occupiers. Strength of the resistance movement outside the metropolis were consolidated under the leadership of the French National Committee in London. The growth of anti-fascist sentiment is increasingly felt in the army. After the shameful surrender and armistice many French military pilots were still in the parts subject to government Petain. But, finally convinced that the remains of French aviation gradually transformed into an appendage Hitler's war machine, many of them did not want to be traitors to the French nation. True to their homeland, they were getting into the ranks of fighters under the banner of the Free French. In late 1942, the French volunteers – 14 pilots and 58 Aircraft Mechanics – arrived in the Soviet Union to continue the fight against the enemies of their country together with the Red Army.

Democratic Experiences

Robert Ramalho is Lawyer, Public Relations and Journalist. Email: Blog: democratic Experiences of regimes sufficiently had been limited lived for the Greeks with the Athenian democracy, and for the Romans at the time of the republic. However, the existing Athenian democracy in the old city-state of Atenas although to show considerable advances in relation to the current standards, it did not offer to conditions of equality and freedom for all. The women were inferior to the men, the slavery if constitua in one of them pillars of sustentation of the local economy, and had one strong division of different form of being able enter the Athenian citizens of the masculine seio. Exactly thus, Slon, Athenian governor, in the year of 594 A.C, established a series of reforms in the social, economic sectors and politicians, transforming innumerable citizens peasants into prosperous proprietors of its lands, making to participate them of the government through the division of public offices. It is exactly in this direction that the incipient Athenian democracy commits its bigger sin: to divide the power in terms of division of the wealth. During the validity of the Roman republican system, also same having and subsistindo one limited control of the people the governing of the time, we cannot consider the government form as a democracy. However, of any form the Republic Roman had its favor the fact to have established the legal equality between the free classrooms, and considered a new Senate as one of the basic institutions of the effective system, as well as the Popular Assemblies and the Magistracy, something unimaginable during the form of monarchic government.

In its workmanship Politics, Aristotle if worries about the happiness collective of the plis. In this manner, it is task of it, of the politics, to investigate and to discover which are the forms of government and the institutions capable to assure the collective happiness. It is treated, therefore, to investigate the constitution of the state. Plato, its workmanship Dialogues, in turn, believed that they existed the Prince

The Communist Party

Canelas arrives Moscow in September of 1922 and perhaps it was better for the Brazilian Communists who it nor had fond. Its lack of knowledge on the politics of took it to the Party to commit a series of mistakes on some positions of the Communist of Brazil in the social matters and agrarian Party. Moreover in the debates on ' ' infiltrao' ' of not communist ideas in the Working-class movement, it always make a speeched against the orientation of the communist party of Soviet Unio (PCUS), that is, found natural this ' ' abertura' ' politics so recriminated by the direction of the International. Canelas uses the PC of Brazil as example of ' ' coexistncia' ' of you vary chains politics around a party. According to it, in Brazil the participation was natural of maons and of anarchists in the Communist Party? proper Bernardine Antonio Canelas when militated in the Brazilian Working-class movement in the years of 1916-18 if declared anarchist? that this situation did not have nothing of abnormal person. To close its participation in the International, Canelas concludes that not only the participation of maons was natural and anarchists in the communist movement, as well as the participation of catholics and Jews. The only difference in the militancy of these would be that, in the opinion of Canelas, them they could not reach responsibility positions politics.

The commission of the responsible International for a PC acceptance? s concludes saying that the PC of Brazil not yet was true Left a Communist one therefore suffered manicas and anarchic influences. The Communist Party of Brazil initially was only accepted as sympathetical member of the International. Only in 9 of December of 1924 when Rodolfo Ghioli, representative of the International, visits Brazil that the dumb situation. Ghioli observes that differences of the Communist Party of Brazil in relation to other PC? s, mainly in regards to the opening politics, was decurrent the situation of illegality and persecution of that the PC of Brazil was victim.

French Guerrillas

Others died under bullets of the guards, or were captured by the fascists, they were severely punished and returned back to camp. In the pow camps and concentration camps worked civilian Frenchmen. Among them were the agents of the Resistance, which, when opportunity helped shoots small groups of prisoners and detainees. And transferred fugitives to those who brought them to the guerrillas – the Maquis. After several unsuccessful escape from hard labor on the car-repair plant in Saarbrucken managed to escape from the Nazi hell, gp Ponomarev.

About a month along with another ap he made his way into occupied France. Meeting with leaders of the Resistance in eastern France, decided their fate: they Steel frantirerami – guerrillas. The first baptism of George Ponomarev received the night of 13 to 14 December 1943, participating in start-up enemy trains derailed near the station Barankur. Soon, along with a connected G. Ponomarev left in the forest area near the village of Lauzon, where he met a group of former Soviet prisoners of war. Then there were several people who arrived from Paris, all of them together and made into a forest of Verdun battle core partisans, which is called 'Stalingrad'.

In early February 1944 was still almost unarmed guerrillas derailed train with the German outfit. In two weeks 'George', as the French called G. Ponomarev, and six guerrillas in the area Spenkura derailed German troop train with guns and vehicles. Day of February '23 'guerrilla commander,' George 'said another blow to the enemy – the guerrillas brought down the German defense in the post Canton of Fresnes-en-Voevr.

Prague Czech Republic Received Permanent Residency Status Living

Registration of permanent residence in the Czech Republic in 2010, engaged in high-class professionals with a legal education and legal profession in the Czech Republic and particularly in Prague. Only documentation lawyer and training alien to examinations and interviews allow at this stage in the emigration of Czech Republic to get a positive result. In the past 2009 CoML Czech Republic managed to get units of foreigners who actually been prepared and briefed on procedures and requirements imposed on foreign applicants. Allegedly issuing permanent residence in 2010 in Prague, will not undergo strong changes, and will be available in limited volumes. The status of permanent residency in general assigned to the Czech Republic for foreigners, which are of interest for the Czech Republic and have a steady income as wages, dividends or other income from a business in the Czech Republic or from the Czech employer. Significant differences in the procedure for obtaining permanent residence in the Czech Republic for citizens who have a work visa in the Czech Republic or entrepreneurial business visa there. Foreigners with work permit have the option of an accelerated registration of permanent residence through a pilot project, working for foreign nationals residing in the Czech Republic on the basis of employment contracts. To obtain permanent residency the alien must live in the Czech Republic a full five years and have no problems with legislation of the Czech Republic, both in business and professional and administrative law.

Ritual Monuments

Tombstones known as memorials, grave stones, tombstones and funeral monuments, have the same function and erected with a common goal. This method is to perpetuate the memory of the deceased. Gravestone Stones were originally made of wood. Archaeologists have found Neanderthal graves that date back 50 000-75 000 let.Tela were found in caves with large mountainous piles, covering the entrance. Over time, develop various methods of burial.

The Chinese were the first to use coffins to contain their dead (about 30 000 BC), Mummification and embalming were used about 3200 bc to preserve the body of Egyptian Pharaohs for the afterlife. Pharaohs were placed in a sarcophagus and buried with statues representing their servants and advisers they trust, as well as gold and luxuries to ensure their adoption in the next world. Some King demanded to have their servants and advisers accompany them in death, and his servants and advisors were killed and placed in the grave. Cremation, which started at the same time as mummification, was also a popular method of getting rid of dead bodies. With the development of various religions, began to forbid cremation. The Inquisition claimed that it resembles the pagan rituals. In 1348, the Plague hit Europe and forced people to bury the dead as soon as possible and away from cities. Very often the relatives and friends of the dead were infected with the plague during the ritual burial, because cemeteries, while many tombs continued to spread the disease, beyond the cemetery.

In 1665, British Parliament banned the holding large funeral and set a minimum depth of graves 6 feet (1.8 m). This reduced the spread of the disease, but many cemeteries continued to overpopulate. The first cemetery similar today, there was a cemetery 'garden' set in Paris in 1804. It is in this cemetery headstone and memorials became difficult work of sculptors. Social status is defined by the size and beauty of the memorial. Early memorials depicted horrific scenes with skeletons and demons to instill fear of the afterlife in the residence. Later in the nineteenth century, tombstones have developed in favor of peaceful scenes, such as cherubs and angels, leading to higher peace. Materials Early headstones were made of slate, which was available everywhere. The following material, which became popular was marble, but marble tombstones were destroyed in time and erased the inscriptions, and details of the deceased were not clear. By 1850, granite is the preferred material of the grave monument because of its stability and availability. In modern memorials granite – the main raw materials used. Granite – igneous rock, composed primarily of quartz, feldspar, and plagioclase feldspar with other particles. Granite can be white, pink, light gray or dark gray. This breed can be obtained from the magma, which slowly cooled and eventually eroded by the soil.