The Right

For the opposite, it will have law authorizeing and thus, they astonish, will be instituted, legalized the penalty of death in Brazil, but the death penalty will be for defenseless people, while the dangerous criminals will remain eating, drinking and living to ours costs in penitentiaries of maximum security; maximum security that had to be given we, good citizens. How much to the abortion, he is only in favor of it who already was born. Then, vocs had to make a plebiscite and to still hear the opinion of the embryos in formation; how they are pra to be born! Nobody can FORBID somebody to be born. The Right to the life is inalienable and irrenuncivel. Nobody can make use if its proper life, nor of the one of third. They are universal principles of the right.

The proposal would be another one, but vocs so they are obsecados in taking account of the country that does not perceive it. I cannot support you Dilma, candidate of a party that elaborated a plan where if foresees the approval of law that for more than FORBIDS to religious pregao one hour per day in radio, TV, in the street or any place? this is to take off little of God who still remains in the heart of the Brazilians. We will go to look the word of god through priests, shepherds, espritas, also of people who orientates in culture afro and we will not find it, why they will be hindered of speaking for law; they will be able until being imprisoned for having violated the law if to speak. We will have that to go the penitentiaries, to the dungeons to hear advice of religious. To hear the word of God! Nobody can FORBID to the accomplishment of religious cults nor the religious education. By the way, practical the religious one would have to be fomented and not to be verwhelmed.