The new concept of citizenship would have is above of any natural law. It is alicerado in the chain of the solidarity of the State stops with the citizen, as well as in autopoitica relation of love between compatriots or any another world-wide individual, as if brother was. Citizenship is not only relation of ' ' rights and deveres' '. It is, over all, a relation of love, of solidarity, of respect and, essentially, familiar, that the peoples must search and proclaim. The natural laws of the reasonable one and the logic – as one day it was thought by Discardings – are ideas of a logicismo paved in the rationality and a reason well sharpened human being. Theories of ' ' I cogitate, I raise sum' ' (I think soon I exist) or ' ' Dubito, I raise I cogitate, I raise sum' ' (I doubt, I think, then I exist) they had been sources of inspiration for the creation of a new reality: A REALITY HUMAN BEING, inspired in the reason, common-sense and the rationality of the species, animal rank that ' ' pensantes' ' they must attend a course another position in the society: the position of ' ' civilizados' ' , solidary, loving of its nature. Meantime, ahead of as much atrocity, of as much irrationality and as much cruelty we will not be able to think another thing not to be that the reason and the rationality – of some – had become fluids that if run away from its minds, changedding themselves into nothing more than myths spread for groups of ' ' insanos' ' with intentions to change the world with ideals of love. That the sword of Dmocles is launched on the ethical shames, lacks and the moral corrupes; that this people has God not as a reason of religious disagreements, but as only source of love; that the demagogues are judged with ' ' penalty of morte' ' , and that the peoples – even so suffered and sedentos of love – can use of the true solidarity that still remains. The desire to think still is ours!