Better certainly familiar rules of filling in advance so as not to waste time as the correct fill. After getting acquainted with the rules issued by the examination materials (KIMy and forms EGE). The first party to cse must complete the registration field blank use. Once all completed registration field blank, officially announced the beginning of the exam with the time it ends. After all the organizational aspects transgress participants to perform tasks Kimov. You will be allowed to go out audience for a good reason (in the toilet, medical room) only when accompanied by one of the organizers or hostess, after passing the blanks use responsible organizer of the audience, which puts in registration form labeled "Fact out of the audience." Participants use prematurely have completed examination paper may submit it to the organizers, not waiting for the end of the exam, but no later than 15 minutes to its official end.
If a participant use on objective reasons can not complete the examination paper, it can prematurely retire from the exam. Brief instructions for completing the forms. How to fill out When filling out forms, forms cse must accurately follow the rules, as the information entered in forms ege, scanned and processed using special technical equipment and facilities computing. Forms ct filled with black ink. Use only helium, capillary or fountain pens. When using a ball point pen (in the absence of helium, capillary or pen), it is necessary for 2-3 times gently trace the outline of each character to avoid "glimpses." Do not use for filling out the forms colored ink instead of black, a pencil (even for the rough recordings forms), tools to fix introduced in forms of information ("putty", etc.).