
The first thing I would like to define the concept of 'cellulite'. Doctors identify cellulite as a disease of subcutaneous fat and secrete types: fibrous, fatty and edematous cellulite. The main reasons for the appearance of cellulitis include hormonal disorders, as well as poor diet, insufficient physical activity, stress. In addition, hypothermia can cause the appearance of the onset of the disease. Cellulite mostly exposed skin on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. You do not know how to determine the presence of a cellulite? It's easy to do.

You just need to easily squeeze the skin with your fingers: if the result you will see something similar to 'orange crust ', then we can conclude with regret that your skin is exposed to this' impartial' disease. The first step in getting rid of cellulite is to eliminate all possible causes of the disease or at a large part, that increase physical activity, elimination of fatty foods from your diet (more juice, fruits, vegetables), various kinds of baking, try to avoid stress – learn to relax and control your emotions. Try as little as possible to sit in one position – always take the time for daily exercise. It should be noted that the tight clothes and shoes with high heels can also cause the development of cellulite. For radical treatment of cellulite, there are many methods.

How effective they are, try to understand. Grinding of sea salt problem areas. This method has proven to be effective. Gain insight and clarity with Senator Richard Blumenthal. But do not forget that the result never comes right. All the more should we take into account the stage of the disease. It is clear that the initial stage can be treated much faster. Returning to the grinding of sea salt, it should be noted, that this procedure is useful for the skin of the body. Cellulite massage is also effective and useful.