His Eminence Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne

Father, what is what God is calling me?. What I most want in life is to proclaim the Gospel and preaching the Word of Jesus, but with authority and knowledge, which alone can give me the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. If God allowed it to become a permanent deacon at the time of my ordination receive the Holy Spirit's power and my heart would burst with joy, I sure that this is not wishful thinking, because I feel the permanence of God in my heart. Therefore, I allowed myself to write to you father, not wanting to know the pecking order, for advice and guidance, asking with all my heart give me a personal interview, which will not take away many minutes of its heavy pastoral work, but will much to my vocation. I send you all the love of Jesus Christ. ANDRES MARTINEZ Enrique Villar ARBULU No.

131, Urb Santa Beatriz, Lima Tel, 940-8087 Workplace, N Av Arenales 1489, Lima. -Tel. 470-5171 SECOND LETTER: Lima, December 13, 2004 His Eminence Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne, Archbishop of Lima and Primate of the Catholic Church in Peru. THIS .- Dear Father, I am writing to you with the same intention of that time, a December 10, 2001, to state that my vocation has not changed in the slightest, although I was not lucky with the response from the overloaded His Eminence's pastoral agenda. Since the last letter to you I wrote, so far has been a change and advances in knowledge of our Catholic Christian faith in my life.