An Attorney is always defending somebody in our environs. Also the cousin of my father militated with the right, of Afenir name War, that functioned as easily-signed attorney. Later the great Eliezer Ribeiro the treasury department left and was to also work hard as lawyer. This wise person very of right and Portuguese language, however, wise person not to charge honorary. The famous lawyers were of are, the brothers Dartur and Darly, of Mantena. I am a person who did not have doubts in the hour to choose that course to make. I believe that with twelve years already wise person that I wanted to study right.
My grandmother to Miguel found intelligent and ordered me I to unfold the color arithmethic table, to only impress its customers of aougue that possua. After all, as peace judge it nothing earned. The pride of it was to see judge to me. When I became lawyer it I was very proud. It did not only understand why I always said that I would leave of being lawyer to be defender I publish or attorney general. He did not want to be judge. Coming back the Marluce doctor, it and others already also cited had been good influence for the choice of my profession.
I was forum always rat and attended the judgments in the Court of the Jury with frequency. One day Marluce doctor was defending a man who had killed the other why that one had inquietado its family. That is, the woman decides to botar a burrow of bull in the citizen and who paid o duck is who was helping it. The thesis of prohibited age legitimizes defense of honor.