
The telematics and tracking systems by AREALCONTROL are a staple in everyday business in the transport industry. Ahrensburg near Hamburg, 06.05.2013. The telematics and tracking systems by AREALCONTROL are a staple in everyday business in the transport industry. As well, a majority of the companies involved in the transport uses the Europe-wide market-leading cargo and freight exchange of TimoCom. Both companies are now working together and offer its customers more effectiveness and safety as a result. The idea: Many carriers and freight forwarders use online procurement platforms, to avoid empty runs and to generate additional revenue. To increase the security for cargo suppliers and contractors, it’s obvious the public procurement platforms to integrate telematics solutions.

Such cooperation between telematics providers and transport markets welcome the user. AREALCONTROL and TimoCom take this step now. The Dusseldorf company has revised its calculation and route planner TC eMap and added a tracking feature. About the AREALCONTROL tracking solutions are localised. This innovation will be presented at the trade fair in Munich of public transport logistic-2013. Safety, efficiency, competitiveness of the benefits: AREALCONTROL customers can directly TC eMap use, unless they are also a customer of TimoCom. So transport service providers can their own vehicles by a client track and after appropriate activation, locate even foreign vehicles.

EMap by the integration of AREALCONTROL in TC tracking solutions increases security for cargo employees and not themselves. At the same time, the cooperation of the company ensures more efficient business processes. If a freight forwarder today would like to know where the merchandise is just located, he had to call the carrier so far. All relevant information available eMap using the Arealcontrol-ArealPilots in TC for him at a glance available, if he it has enabled the carrier. Last but not least, every transport service providers can be a gain further competitive advantage over its competitors: companies can when entering vehicle stressing in particular that they provide their vehicles for the tracking in TC eMap. Service-oriented consignor orders preferably given trusted service providers vehicles able to track.

Trade Representative

Representative calls of the RuSSELSHEIM VOLKSBANK Board is answer since 2003 held the Bank of China in spring their three representatives talks. This will be invited all Member representatives of the Volksbank personally (each 75 members a representative). Rich made the loaded their right use and took advantage of the opportunity to submit your questions to the executives of Josef Paul and Klaus Weber. First, the Board members reported the past year 2009. Mr Paul explained in detail the development of VR Member bonus in the home. The numbers could be seen: 1.935 new members of the people’s Bank could be welcomed since the introduction of the bonus program. (Dividend including bonus) increased by 28%. Mr Paul pointed out also the changes in the bonus system since 1 January 2010.

Due to the tax framework conditions of the loyalty bonus has been removed, for the regular cash receipts will be double be scores. For each regular payment are now 2 points = 2 euro written well. information. As a result, all members with regular cash receipts to be better put”: reported Mr Paul. On the current state of the merger with the Volksbank Mainspitze EC, Mr Paul could inform that this is intended to the 1 January 2011. The new Institute is to say then EC Volksbank main top, the seat will be in Russelsheim, Germany. The acquiring bank is the Russelsheim Volksbank eG.

The Management Board and the Supervisory Board will consist of the previous boards of directors or supervisory boards of both houses. Mr. Weber reported to the business development of the Bank. There was hardly a change in the balance sheet total. Apparently, Mr. Weber explained the origins of the financial crisis in Germany as an example. From his point of view is the development of money assets versus gross domestic product (GDP) a challenge. The monetary assets has grown significantly faster than GDP. This suggests that significantly more money seeking investment as the economy can absorb. There is so to speak complex emergency. This causes that the funds, which must yield, be invested in equities. This can cause the known excesses, which can lead to a crash scenario in bursting the bubble. This could not really have something of the Volksbank. Despite the financial market crisis, the Russelsheim Volksbank to 6999 T was able to achieve increased shiny operating profit. The business model of the Volks – und Raiffeisenbanken works “, noted Klaus Weber. Connecting the boards in the dialogue stepped in with the representatives present. These still interested in details about the upcoming merger. A great theme was the development of the city centre in Russelsheim, Germany. Is worried whether the Opel forum or not implemented. Also, it gave the hint that the existing branch network on all cases should remain. The Board replied that there are currently no plans for closures. In the context of the merger would only the digits in Bausch’s home, which is directly across are merged. Mr. Weber stressed that the service for our customers especially in the focus stand and should be improved even more. Following the discussion, the Volksbank to a small snack invited at which still extensively thought were exchanged, for example on the subject of entrepreneurship in Russelsheim, Germany.

Marktforschung Gmb

Award of the industry’s best: comdirect, Miele, ESPRIT,, and Douglas all front for the first time were 2013 also the best in their respective industries awarded. Among the financial service providers, convinced the comdirect bank and received the Special Prize for the best big banks in the competition. More than industry best received awards Audi (automakers), globe (Diys), perfumery Douglas (drug store/perfumery), Unitymedia (Internet provider), Miele (household appliance manufacturer), Aldi Sud (grocery), mobile (mobile carrier), IKEA Germany (furniture stores), ESPRIT (textile shops) and Amazon (mail order). Many representatives from business, politics and science accepted the invitation of the initiators in the Copper Mountain terrace in Mainz. Was opened the event with a welcome address of the Secretary of State of the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry for economy, climate, energy, and land planning Uwe Huser. I am delighted that the award of Germany’s customer champions’ already held for the sixth time in Mainz. Sen. Sherrod Brown follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. That speaks to Mainz and Rhineland-Palatinate as a performance – based and competitive site. We are a medium-sized country and it says the customer is always in focus.

“Mainz and Germany of customer champions’ fit so well together”, as Secretary of State for economy Hall at the ceremony. Following the official award of the prize winners, the guests could round off the evening with a festive buffet. About the contests since 2008, the German society for quality e.V. (DGQ) and the forum are looking for! Marktforschung GmbH every year the company with the best customer relations in Germany. The basis of the competition of Germany customer champions is a complete customer relationship check based on a customer survey. He for the second time this year organised employers competition of Germany employees champions awarded the company with the best employee relationship management. Basis of competition is a multi-step analysis, which assesses the relationship between employers and employees, developing employee potential and the establishment of the employer brand.

Get detailed information about two competitions and the placements under and about the initiators are the initiators of the competitions the German society for quality e.V. (DGQ), Frankfurt am Main, the forum! Marktforschung GmbH, Mainz, and BAUMGARTNER & CO. Business consultants GmbH, Hamburg. Certification partners is the DQS GmbH Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Managementsystemen, Frankfurt am Main. The DGQ shapes, hosts and promotes the theme of quality in Germany. You designed networks, empowers people, developed organizations, generated knowledge and improves the performance and capacity for innovation. Forum! Market research helps companies with analysis and Beratungsinstrumenten on latest research stand to understand, improve and be so commercially successful relationships with their customers and employees. BAUMGARTNER & CO. Business consultants GmbH is a consultancy specializing in HR management. She helps companies, their attractiveness as an employer, to implement contemporary HR strategies and increase growth. Your press contact Catherine Dahlem forum! Marktforschung GmbH Tel: 06131 / 32809-144 fax: 06131 / 32809-244 E-Mail: additional information is available at:

Laundry Market: Fashionable Aspects Inspired More And More Buyers

BBW partner IBH: the value in clothing is increasingly appreciated the market developing for laundering in Germany again behave positively. 51.6 billion euros in the environment of the market of fashion & accessories whose turnover currently resulting from the markets clothing, shoes, leather goods, linen makes the laundry market with approximately 9% share the fourth-largest area behind women’s clothing, men’s clothing and shoes. The consumer market reached a market volume of nearly 4.7 billion euros according to IBH 2010. The company of German meshes and bodice industry are again satisfied with their business development and go with mostly positive expectations in fiscal year 2011. So, the business climate index for the laundry industry according to total mesh 2011 climbed 6.69 points to a value of 20.50. The situation is characterized by high capacity utilization also with regard to the foreign sales 85 percent of companies confirm their satisfaction. The laundry market was characterised by the short-term needs of everyday life and the swimwear apart less subject to the staging of the outfit. Due to this fact, the price had always been a higher relevance.

This could change something, because today is inspired of the laundry market increasingly of fashion aspects. The value in clothing”now more appreciated. Is a growing desire for diversity, individuality and personal luxury. So the new product developments in the foreground are experts in addition to the discussion about E-Commerce, price increases and the new segment of shapewear, currently in General. The sleepwear, in recent years a problem child of the industry, is currently in the foreground. Many collections include impulses from the leisure fashion, homewear and wellness. As companies produce now fashionable for women who blithely mixing everything according to needs and mood: fun fur vests and collars in connection to night dresses, new cuts, interesting mix of patterns that colors complement each other and many of the details, from the outerwear be borrowed.

Service Innovations For Works Councils

Fraunhofer IAO and ver.di limbering up for qualification concepts operating works councils and staff councils focus not only the interests of the employees, but their knowledge is also required when it comes to the introduction of new forms of work organisation or to the introduction of new technologies. So far, consult advocacy limited but mostly on innovations that are developed in a central location in the company and implemented, for example when it comes to the introduction of new working concepts in manufacturing. With the increasing importance of service innovation in the future but very new for operating and staff councils challenges. Because service innovations are often linked to the transformations of value chains, or they are the result of decentralized innovation at the customer interface. They occur mostly in the form of sudden organizational change processes and by the employees as to be taken out change processes perceived. With the aim of operating and The Fraunhofer IAO together with the Services Union ver.di now developed a qualification concept, which enables it to recognize the complex interrelationships between service innovations fit for service innovations to make in the future, staff councils.

The participants also learn how service innovations actively can be designed with through inclusion of employees and advocacy. The concept is tailored to industry-specific and will start for the sectors of trade, transport and financial services. The concept also in the area should be made available to a pilot and test phase with operation and staff councils in these industries. More information:… Tobias Hug, Fraunhofer IAO