The telematics and tracking systems by AREALCONTROL are a staple in everyday business in the transport industry. Ahrensburg near Hamburg, 06.05.2013. The telematics and tracking systems by AREALCONTROL are a staple in everyday business in the transport industry. As well, a majority of the companies involved in the transport uses the Europe-wide market-leading cargo and freight exchange of TimoCom. Both companies are now working together and offer its customers more effectiveness and safety as a result. The idea: Many carriers and freight forwarders use online procurement platforms, to avoid empty runs and to generate additional revenue. To increase the security for cargo suppliers and contractors, it’s obvious the public procurement platforms to integrate telematics solutions.
Such cooperation between telematics providers and transport markets welcome the user. AREALCONTROL and TimoCom take this step now. The Dusseldorf company has revised its calculation and route planner TC eMap and added a tracking feature. About the AREALCONTROL tracking solutions are localised. This innovation will be presented at the trade fair in Munich of public transport logistic-2013. Safety, efficiency, competitiveness of the benefits: AREALCONTROL customers can directly TC eMap use, unless they are also a customer of TimoCom. So transport service providers can their own vehicles by a client track and after appropriate activation, locate even foreign vehicles.
EMap by the integration of AREALCONTROL in TC tracking solutions increases security for cargo employees and not themselves. At the same time, the cooperation of the company ensures more efficient business processes. If a freight forwarder today would like to know where the merchandise is just located, he had to call the carrier so far. All relevant information available eMap using the Arealcontrol-ArealPilots in TC for him at a glance available, if he it has enabled the carrier. Last but not least, every transport service providers can be a gain further competitive advantage over its competitors: companies can when entering vehicle stressing in particular that they provide their vehicles for the tracking in TC eMap. Service-oriented consignor orders preferably given trusted service providers vehicles able to track.