Mijael Eitan

The protests of outrage citizen against the rise of prices (especially housing) and the loss of purchasing power began three weeks ago in Israel with a camp in Tel Aviv, and quickly spread to other areas of the country and various social sectors. Netanyahu will speak with the outraged israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, announced Sunday the creation of a Committee of Ministers, observers and experts to negotiate with representatives of the outraged from Israel. We cannot ignore the voices coming out of the village. We will give real solutions, not cosmetic changes, he said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting, according to the transcript of his words released by his Office. In his speech, longer than usual, Netanyahu insisted on the seriousness of his intention to promote real changes enabling the population to benefit from economic growth, but also the inability to respond to all the demands, the difficulty of building an economy and the context of global crisis.

Equipment, secured, it will have to offer many proposals in a very short period of time and said the four areas in which its work should focus: change the order of priorities, tax policy, the increase in access to social services and improving competition and efficiency in the markets. The Committee, whose formation had been announced in the previous weekly meeting of the Executive, will have 15 Ministers and will be led by the academic Manuel Trachtenberg, Chairman of budget and planning of the Council of higher education. Its mission is to launch a roundtable discussion of the issues addressed by the outraged, complaining of the scarcity of life. The team will submit its recommendations within a month to the socio-economic cabinet, chaired by the head of finance, Yuval Steinitz, who in turn will propose solutions to be presented to Netanyahu and to the Joint Government. Two Ministers from the right-wing Likud party, who leads Netanyahu, exercise observers in the negotiations with the outraged: Limor Livnat (culture and sport) and Mijael Eitan (public services). The main opposition party, Kadima (centre-right) of the exministra of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni, called the protest decision of deception with which Netanyahu tries doggedly to show that you could not care less and offers the same as before, instead of understanding the need for a real change.