Internal Time

Be careful with the artists of the screwdriver, whose inappropriate step by screws strip the fine finish of elegant shotguns of Eibar origin. Rifles, the cleaning and revision process is similar, taking utmost care in cleaning the barrel, to remove the metal remains of bales without damaging the internal spline. If locks and monotiros the task will be easier, the semi-automatic may require the visit to the gunsmith, who in turn cast a look at the set. Not complicated in excess returns to the maximum here hunting for second-hand clothes. FINISH for the final finish, every time there is in the market most excellent conservation, cleaning and maintenance products for metals and woods that will take care of our shotguns and rifles.

A drop of oil, not a bath, in the areas of friction, as the sides of the crimping of guns with the scale in the overlapping, and pass a cloth soaked in oil will give longer life to the shotgun, which can be saved in any Briefcase plastic or similar to avoid problems with sleeves of fabric or canvas that may not be completely dry. For safety, better to leave some fundamental piece away from the shotgun, safe home elsewhere, so it can not be used by themselves and less by strangers. Rifles will continue to live in their Armory approved mandatory, where better if accompanied by them shotguns for preventing risks with friends of the alien. Although ideally, from time to time, practice with the shotgun or rifle in the increasingly less shooting ranges that we have, with the appropriate license. And so safe that the veda is less long.