Federal Government

On the contrary, it is even Task of to the abuses to point out and to uncover violations of human rights together with the Governments and civil societies of the people instead of to sweep it under the table. The countries are called to finally exercise democracy – because Nations such as Germany, Switzerland and Austria are can successes no more in the long term if the forces of some parties are insulated by dictatorship policies. So the activists of the three countries call demo to a sovereign way of dealing with the citizens and their rights. “We call on our Governments we are loud, because it steals our children”. It remains a major concern, that is enforced in all countries of the UN Charter, which States that human rights violations are punishable by law. The victims and sufferers of family justice and youth offices urging: “we defend the freedom of our rights as parents, grandparents and children, the more we demand that human rights be respected in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland”. Who family rights suppressed goes back to the stone age.

Who is parents and children under pressure, violated the UN Charter. We continue to critically observe specifically how the tolerance of the Federal Government. This concerns also the countries in our immediate neighborhood, by the Switzerland until after Austria and other countries, they are characterized by irresponsible evasions of the child. Human dignity is untouchable and excludes the disregard. Governments are urged, strongly here to tackle discrimination by public authorities and to make sure the claims of family rights in their own country to promote rather than restrict them. The European Court of Justice Germany for discrimination against family rights and the serious offense of unfair Kindesinobhutnahmen and the associated consequences, often condemned, reprimanded and demanded changes.

You can discuss the consequences of climate change, complain about the missing approaches for the promotion of agriculture, but it is really time that the Governments of individual countries take up their own family Misststande, because the must deal who wants to prevent tensions and a latent escalation by daily violations of human rights, with the problem. The States are encouraged to provide resources to mitigate the disasters related to youth services and family courts. Yet it is not enough alone. We all know that there are no simple solutions – since thousands of jobs depend on it, but other ways need to be addressed as to hope only for changes. Are thousands of Kindesinobhutnahmen really still warranted and as individual cases to downgrade? Do we rely on in this issue yet guesswork? Many of the parents movements serve the humanity and appeal on behalf of all injured victims in the States: “helping you all who through youth and corrupt family justice have come to harm our children, your own citizens and citizens of the country help with a little usage, so that “We as families” can look to the future again no worries! The parents movement calls on all citizens in the demonstration against youth and arbitrary family justice on June 7, 2013 to take part.