Which are the 5 talents that stimulate to you to expresarte different? 3. Which are the 5 characteristics of you that you make unique? STEP 3: TO PARDON AND TO PARDON TO US The resintimiento is often a great obstacle for our process of personal change; we hope that he is The other the one that it changes first to be able to change we. Without understanding that all circumstance in our life is created by us from our own MENTAL MODEL OF the WORLD, consequently, we are creative of our experiences. *NUNCA YOU JUDGE TO THE OTHER PERSON WITHOUT TO HAVE WALKED A KILOMETER WITH ITS ZAPATOS* Sometimes, the fear to the change at heart is fear to the success that we could to have which would mean to release to us no longer and we must to who to punish, to not being all the great ones which we could be. (It thinks about that) The resentment also we are a fabulous excuse to have left as we are, since thus we do not have to change nothing, all the responsibility of the process is of the others: they, the government, your family, your husband, your lover, your children, which is. Aplicativo exercise: To focus in the present time. The life is now, the unique moment is now. It imagines the situation that caused resentment to you, visualzala with alive colors and tries to remember details like: people, voices, temperature of the atmosphere, place; now that you have already it, she imagines that memory happens of alive colors to the black and white one, now ponlo in gray colors and tries to empequeecer the image, now she places that image in your right hand and blows, leaves is diluted in the air; she breathes deep and loose. The apparent simpleza of this exercise is relaxing of the enormous beneficial effects that it has, I suggest to you you realise it.