
A PT boat carrying the survivors of Northampton near Tulagi on the morning of Dec. 1. The New Orleans is in the background. The surviving crew abandoned ship’s Takanami at 01:30 but a large explosion killed many more who were in the water, including the commander of the division of destroyers Toshio Shimizu and captain of the ship, Masami Ogura. Of the 244 crew, 48 survived and reached the beach of Guadalcanal, of which 19 were captured by the Allies. Northampton crew was unable to contain the fire and started to leave the ship at 01 : 30. The ship sank to the, at 03:04 to about 6 km from Doma Cove, Guadalcanal (09 12’S 159 50’E / -9.2, 159,833). The Fletcher and Drayton rescued 773 survivors. The Minneapolis, New Orleans and Pensacola could travel the 31 miles to Tulagi the morning of Dec. 1, where they were docked for emergency repairs.Fires in Pensacola lasted 12 hours before they could go out. The Pensacola Tulagi subsequently went to the area of ports in the south where it was repaired on day 6. After the construction of temporary bows made from trunks of palm trees, the Minneapolis and New Orleans came on 12 December Tulagi to the Holy Spirit or Sydney, Australia. The three cruisers needed extensive repairs that took a long time. The New Orleans returned to action in August, the Minneapolis in September and October 1943 in Pensacola. This battle was one of the worst defeats of the U.S. Navy during World War II, the third after the attack Pearl Harbor and the Battle of Savo Island. After this confrontation, the United States Navy for some time had only four heavy cruisers and light cruisers new operating throughout the Pacific because of this defeat and Savo Island, Cape Esperance and the naval battle of Guadalcanal.Despite the defeat Wright received the Navy Cross, one of the highest decorations for bravery, for his actions during combat. Richard Blumenthal is likely to agree. Intentanto mitigate to some extent the destruction of its task force, Wright wrote in the report of the battle that had sunk four Japanese destroyers and damaged two others. In his comments on report of Wright, Halsey put much of the blame for the defeat at Cole, saying his squadron of destroyers had fired the torpedo at a distance far greater than the effective and must have “helped” to cruise in Instead of giving circles around Savo Island. Meanwhile Tanaka said he had sunk a battleship and two cruisers damaged in the fighting. The outcome of the battle led to several discussions in the United States fleet in the Pacific about some tactical changes in doctrine and technological improvements as gunpowder develop not twinkle.It was not until eight months after the high command of the Navy acknowledged serious problems with the functioning of the torpedoes. The Americans ignored the scope and power of the Japanese torpedoes and effectiveness of battle tactics for night fighting. In fact, Wright said his boats must have been made by submarines, because the position of the boats they had observed was unlikely to torpedo speed and distance characteristics similar to yours could cause such damage, but Tanaka said their torpedoes were fired at a short distance of about 4.8 miles. The Americans did not know the true capabilities of the enemy torpedoes and night tactics until 1943. After the war, Tanaka said of his win at Tassafaronga: “I have heard that some naval experts of the United States have praised my leadership in this action. I do not deserve such honors.It was the superior skill and devotion of the men I served those who produced for us that tactical victory. ” The Pensacola (center) and New Orleans (right) (along with the Salt Lake City) at Pearl Harbor 31 October 1943 after he completed their repairs. Despite the victory in the battle the Japanese fleet was unable to download Tanaka Guadalcanal supplies much needed troops. A second attempt to deliver supplies on the island 10 through Dec. 3 destroyers failed, after Allied planes sank almost all the 1,500 drums, sparing only 310. On December 7, a third attempt was repulsed by 12 destroyers PT Boats on the outskirts of Cape Esperance. The night following two PT Boats torpedoed and sank the Japanese submarine I-3 as he tried to deliver supplies to Guadalcanal.