Either for the hard impact of the defeat, either for the doubts regarding what really it had happened with the militant ones, if they had been imprisoned or assassinated. In April of 1976 the direction of the PC of the B only admitted public, through the article ‘ ‘ Invincible flag of luta’ ‘ , published in its periodical the Laboring Classroom, that had happened one ‘ ‘ temporary retrocession in guerrilha’ ‘. On the other hand, it standed out that the flag of ‘ ‘ war popular’ ‘ , empunhada for the combatants, she continued valid and that the guerrilla would be, with ‘ ‘ the popular army, trained in a thousand battles, capable to assestar demolishing blows in the reaction forces and to free the worse native land of its inimigos’ ‘. 2 the official version of the PC of the B on the Araguaia, however, never obtained to completely agglutinate around itself the totality, not even of the members of the party, and opened cracks that had at the beginning caused serious consequences for the PC of the B. of years 80, in great part because of the divergences in relation to the meaning of the Guerrilla of the Araguaia, many militant ones had been expulsos or left the PC of the B, and some had established Partido Revolucionrio Comunista (PRC), between which Jose Genono Grandson.
The PC of the B believed that the blow came to be, therefore its analysis ‘ ‘ if it dealt with a dictatorship ‘ ‘ brbara’ ‘ , demonstrating that the objective of military the age exactly to bar 2 the Laboring Classroom. Read more here: Sen. Sherrod Brown. Periodical created by the PCB (Partido Brazilian Comunista) in 1925, and adopted later, for the PC of the B (Left Communist of Brazil) after the disruption in 1962.