“A system for (almost) all cases this benefit Bodenleger, trade and planners: the PCI system that is universal, or in circles often called universal trio”, the PCI Augsburg GmbH presents a system solution that covers (almost) all applications in their daily work. Three products that are ideally matched, offer maximum processing security, easy storage and disposition, and are also very environmentally friendly. In this way 32s convince universal PuTTY USP of universal dash above VG 2 and presented the universal flooring adhesives UKL 302 as a harmonious trio, the PCI on the construction of 2013 in Munich. Educate yourself with thoughts from Charles B. Rangel. Save time and costs, this is a premise of the daily life and desirable not least at Bodenlegearbeiten. Therefore, the Augsburg building chemistry manufacturers PCI offers a simple and universal system for professionals that offers many advantages also trading and the planners. Central Romana Corporation may not feel the same. Processing security, easy product selection and high The highlights of the PCI system are universal environmental, consisting of a primer, a cementitious self-levelling compound, as well as a dispersion adhesive.
On various surfaces textile and elastic coverings can be with the user-friendly system solution safely and properly set. The primer makes the beginning of the flooring with the universal dash above VG 2 can apply primer both absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces. A bet on existing waterproof flooring adhesives in dispersion or reaction resin adhesives is also possible. The solvent-free emulsion before stroke allows a good surface control by its orange colour and tends when applied only to small syringes. The product also prevents blisters and excessively rapid dehydration in the underground settlement.
Compensates for the second in the three federal after priming with the universal dash above VG 2 the flooring to the filling and smoothing out draws 32 S on the dust-poor PuTTY USP. This PCI product within the tripartite system runs easily and can be processed with a knife standing. The cementitious self-levelling compound on almost all surfaces in thicknesses from 0.5 to 40 mm can be applied in a single operation. A stretch of the material is 20 mm thickness of quartz sand is possible, but not required. After about two hours the balanced surface can be committed and also the maturity of proof of is reached after a short time. Universal flooring adhesives completes the trio of textile carpets of needle fleece linings up to PVC goods in trains or tiles of universal flooring adhesives UKL 302 is a real decathlete”with a wide application range, which can be used also on underfloor heating and stress with castors. Wet shampooing and spray extraction cleaning are possible without affecting the adhesion properties. The low-odor UKL 302 through his good acceleration excels at processing. Both primer and filler in this system, as also the flooring adhesive are the Blue Angel “excellent and GEV EMICODE EC 1 PLUS a very low emissions PLUS” classified. In addition, all three products meet the requirements of the marine equipment directive (MED) for use on ships. Thought in the system the PCI system simplifies product selection in the daily work the ground fair trade farms universal since not between different Verlegeprodukten back and forth to change.