Work Relations

The present article has as objective to carry through a literature survey that approaches the question of the informal work in the economy. It is intended to point the concepts, characteristics and peculiarities of this modality of work according to different identified theoretical perspectives in pertinent literature. This quarrel if shows excellent, since the advance of the Neoliberalismo from the decade of 1980 provoked unfoldings on the world of the work, revealing between its some aspects, a trajectory of growth of the informality in the work relations. The work contemplates, beyond this introduction, one second session in which is analyzed the three main theoretical chains that approach the informality of the work relations, as well as the new expressions assumed for this phenomenon in the contemporaneidade. The text is locked up with the final consideraes regarding the considered subject.

For Cacciamali (1983), the existence of three theoretical chains can be indicated that deal with to the concept and the characteristics of the informal sector. In this direction, the current agreement of this thematic one was reached thanks to the conceptual evolution from the first studies during the decade of 1970. The first theoretical chain left of a study of the International Organization of Trabalho (OIT) on Job and Income in the Kenya in 1972, that in turn, consisted of an important landmark for theoretical delimitation, that is, definition of the nature of the informal sector and its relations with the set of the economy. (CACCIAMALI, 1983) This boarding uses the optics of the production to construct its categories. Being thus, it considers the informal sector with the following characteristics: i) activities with reduced capital level; II) complex and little intensive techniques of work; III) small number of workers (ones remunerated, other familiar ones); IV) its activities are not white of governmental politics; v) they possess difficulties for credit attainment; vi) acts in competitive markets.