A typical example is the visa in the reutilizao of aluminum, that for if dealing with an extremely important metal of the economic point of view, being also an important source of income for many families. When we buy a product, it possesss an initial function that was the reason of its purchase. With elapsing of the time (that it can delay days or years) the product loses its initial function and is played in the canals reverses to be revalorizado of some form or to be taken to a final disposal insurance. These products of after-I consume will be able to originate from durable goods or dismissable and reverses to flow for canals of reuse, disarrange and recycling until the final destination. Logistic reversa of after-I consume will have to plan, to operate and to control the flow of return of the products of after-I consume or its constituent materials, classified in function of its state of life and origin. In use conditions, industrial End of useful life, and Residues.
In the case of good of after-I consume dismissable, having logistic, technological and economic conditions, products are returned by means of the canal reverse from ' ' Industrial' recycling; ' , where the constituent materials are reaproveitados and 3 will consist in secondary raw materials, that return to the productive cycle for the corresponding market. Conclusion: When developing this work, was possible to understand that logistic reversa has an important paper, generating resulted ecological and financial. The proposal presented in this work has as objective to display the logistic system of reversa of the aluminum can. The aluminum can always can be recycled infinite times and return as can. The benefit of the recycling reduces the consumption of energy for the production of aluminum, preserves the environment and puts into motion the economy, generating jobs and source of income in the collection and promoting the education of the citizens for the sustainable development.