'To be or not to CRM? " – That is the question most of the numerous articles on the subject which interests us, view CRM as a 'ray of light in the darkness' that could take the company out of impassable jungles of competition, 'fixing' her Noe N-number of clients. Pathos in these publications, behind whom are IT company visible to the naked eye. Therefore, taking the strategic decision to launch CRM-initiatives, it is important to be able to separate the 'grain' real needs of the company in relationship marketing of 'Pleven' promotional offer Software CRM-software firms. All the memory is at least one story of commercial failures of goods and services of mass consumption: Perhaps the most striking recent example of the failure of advocates of global satellite communications IRIDIUM. Buyers can accept, or may reject the innovation of the company, though covered with intentions to meet their needs.
Similarly, customers may reject the system of such actions, for example, under the idea of creating, maintaining and development of long-term relationships with them. In other words, the need for relationship marketing only occurs when the buyer can see in these respects, self-worth. Otherwise, the client will 'cross' from a competitor to rival the proposed under the influence of lower prices, and investment in the implementation of CRM-strategy turn to ashes. Approaches to the determination of the values detailed in a number of scientific publications (see, for example., Dwyer et al., 1987; Storbacka et al., 1994; Bendapudi and Berry, 1997). Many of the approaches are based on well-known theory of transaction costs. These costs, in particular, are associated with the costs of gathering information about a business partner, anticipating Finally, with the deal. For example, going to change the attending dentist, people will spend a lot of effort to get recommendations from former patients of other specialists to determine the quality of their services.