The Bulk

In the bulk to reduce the load in taxes, it became simpler tax administration, etc. However, this tax reform was made in accordance with the requirements specified period of time. Required to bring the country out of crisis, to join the budget, establish clear taxation. The main platform for such problems have been able to become only the powerful firm. They were the first self-reform, they raised the priority in filling the budget taxes based on them have been eliminated numerous difficulties of social security. However, the appointment if taxes could be safely insertion exceptionally large commodity companies.

After organizing regressive ust influential companies stopped the practice of issuing tax-free salaries. But this was only possible in a serious corporations that have significant salaries as their regressive even Currently effective ust rate for large corporations goes to 2%, so average non-commodity businesses, which provide enormous salaries can not return, now pay ust in full, ie 26%. To do this, create a serious imbalance in the situation to strengthen business, based on the commodity and non-oil base. Let us compare the sales of corporations with the gdp. Given that in 2003, 500 largest firms held 58% of the rate of total gdp, to 2006-th, the same figure summarized more than 81%. And besides all the Russian economy is built up by raw materials sector of the economy. On the territory of our country can say two economies. Today we went to a fundamentally new level of development, and at this stage before the state’s economy, there are other bars. Further strengthening of the resource model of the economy combined with a very severe hazard.

Today it lies in the fact that restructure the economy to an innovation, to upgrade and expand the field of economy, to avoid monogootraslevogo development. Because of this, it is important to involve all of the tools that encourage the development of a broad mass business. Need to switch from an economy with hand instruments, a policy to the economy of incentives, competition, improvement of wide circles of the business. Not only small but also in the general processing. Tax collections are an important mechanism every vector policy in the industry, what should be implemented throughout the country. We think we have the opportunity to create tax incentives in each sector, but those areas which will strengthen and the future competitiveness of domestic products. Because of this adjustment of taxes, of which we have discussed, has a chance to contribute to the improvement as time zones high-tech, novsheskih that make the foundation of modern streamline the economy. Since will allow our economy at the forefront.